UPS Freight truck gets stuck, causes $25,000 in damage to skybridge at Salt Lake City Airport
Dockworker TB Legend Super Moderator PREMIUM Credits 580 Jan 27, 2018 #1 UPS Freight truck gets stuck, causes $25,000 in damage to skybridge at Salt Lake City Airport
seabreeze Not Well Known Member, 63 Year Teamster Member PREMIUM Credits 1,111 Jan 27, 2018 #3 Dockworker said: UPS Freight truck gets stuck, causes $25,000 in damage to skybridge at Salt Lake City Airport Click to expand... UPS driver claims, heavy volume of traffic on bridge may have reduced clearance.
Dockworker said: UPS Freight truck gets stuck, causes $25,000 in damage to skybridge at Salt Lake City Airport Click to expand... UPS driver claims, heavy volume of traffic on bridge may have reduced clearance.
LTLAnonymous TB Veteran Credits 476 Jan 27, 2018 #4 seabreeze said: UPS driver claims, heavy volume of traffic on bridge may have reduced clearance. Click to expand... Oh, well that's only logical. I believe him.
seabreeze said: UPS driver claims, heavy volume of traffic on bridge may have reduced clearance. Click to expand... Oh, well that's only logical. I believe him.
skillit TB Lurker Credits 2 Feb 27, 2018 #5 That’s what you get when you use non union to pull union freight
Canadian Flyer They Call Me CF, Eh Credits 2 Mar 1, 2018 #6 skillit said: That’s what you get when you use non union to pull union freight Click to expand... TL division doesn't haul union freight. That being said, UPSF TL pays crap, so crap is what they get.
skillit said: That’s what you get when you use non union to pull union freight Click to expand... TL division doesn't haul union freight. That being said, UPSF TL pays crap, so crap is what they get.