[quote author=Johnny Big Rig link=topic=79894.msg827813#msg827813 date=1273245330]
[quote author=dalamo67 link=topic=79894.msg827604#msg827604 date=1273166753]
No its not in the I35 corridoor its in the Southeast, and the problem is that the TM and the ATM our just as big of an A** as the sup. The TM puts so much pressure on the Sups that they try and take it out on us and yes it was a casual that it happened to (this time). They all make the extra effort on how to make our jobs more difficult rather than try and find a way for things to go smooth. This week on the dock its been an average of about 90 degrees and humid as hell youd think they would get some fans or have a water cooler on the dock but nooo thats too easy of a problem to solve, and the thing is if your seen in the breakroom getting water or trying to cool off for a bit the TM, which is sitting in his nice COOL office looking thru the window towards the dock is calling the sup to get us out of there. Were getting written up down here for things like clocking 1 minute late or for only taking a 29 minute lunch break instead of the full 30 or if you go over 1 minute after your 6hrs before taking a lunch
I've worked this dock before for quite some time and I'm not gonna even make it sound like said sup was justified in his comments however, all you need to do is walk into the bathroom past those fancy hand dryers and look straight ahead at that shiny thing on the wall. There lies your problem. it's a wonder that half the people there don't have to come to work with a helmet on, the place is full of idiots. The job is not that difficult, you take freight off of 1 trailer and put it on another your mocb even tells you what door to load it on. I seen 1 guy misload 3 shipments in one day, should the sup have brought him coffee and honey bun? As far as the rest of the stuff, if you clock in 1 minute late are you late? If a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it, oh never mind. They tell you to take 30 minutes not 25 and not 33, at least that is what I was told. I believe the weather is gonna be hot there for awhile get used to it. This company and that terminal is not perfect but if you've been here awhile that place and that manager are 100 times better than it was even 5 years ago. Ya'll brought this :
: on yourself so get used to it. Whats ya'lls motto "Just keep filing they'll listen then" Peace out :thumbsup:
Well johnny big rig it seems that you must be a bigger Idiot than the ones that work there because if you saw like you said you did that a guy misloaded three shipments in one day and you did nothing as a fellow worker you should Apply for a management position because you have the same way of thinking as they do "wait till an employee screws up" and 1 more thing i gaurantee that when my Tm goes to your barn to do an audit you and everyone there walk on eggshells and keep looking behind your backs because you really know how sneeky he is. Gotta go now but im sure ill see you around the minihub. Take care and good luck