Video Captures Train Collision With Tractor-trailer Near San Antonio (with Video)


TB Legend


:poster oops:
Two things. In the older precomputer trucks, you could put her into granny low and stand on the starter button to move that the hell off the track maybe drain the batteries. (Those are cheap compared to a destroyed rig, load etc and probably death or maiming)

Those four batteries will give you a minute or so, enough for 100 or a little more feet. Thats about the time you have anyway a little less than that once the gates and signals activate at about 40 to 50 seconds prior to train arrival at track speed. That being passenger, it's likely to be coming on at 80 which is the track speed on class 1 mainlines for those trains. So the time and distance works out. If not? Get the heck out of there and leave it. (As a sidenote, the US Amtrack Corridor does not apply at upwards of 150+ towards experiments for 180 plus. Most locals know to keep well clear of those tracks, you will never hear your death coming at those speeds.)

The other thing. There has been a rash of truckers STAYING inside the cab trapped on the track.

There is irony in the bright glowing safety vest. If that's the uniform of the day, it's a cocoon to the poor mutt staying in the cab safe as a baby in mama's arm. /Sarc.

Don't be brain dead, GTFO of that thing and walk up track towards the oncoming train. It is VERY likely the engineer has the slack run in (Weight of his train bunched up against the engines) and waiting for the smash before applying the big hole to stop after.
Two things. In the older precomputer trucks, you could put her into granny low and stand on the starter button to move that the hell off the track maybe drain the batteries. (Those are cheap compared to a destroyed rig, load etc and probably death or maiming)

Those four batteries will give you a minute or so, enough for 100 or a little more feet. Thats about the time you have anyway a little less than that once the gates and signals activate at about 40 to 50 seconds prior to train arrival at track speed. That being passenger, it's likely to be coming on at 80 which is the track speed on class 1 mainlines for those trains. So the time and distance works out. If not? Get the heck out of there and leave it. (As a sidenote, the US Amtrack Corridor does not apply at upwards of 150+ towards experiments for 180 plus. Most locals know to keep well clear of those tracks, you will never hear your death coming at those speeds.)

The other thing. There has been a rash of truckers STAYING inside the cab trapped on the track.

There is irony in the bright glowing safety vest. If that's the uniform of the day, it's a cocoon to the poor mutt staying in the cab safe as a baby in mama's arm. /Sarc.

Don't be brain dead, GTFO of that thing and walk up track towards the oncoming train. It is VERY likely the engineer has the slack run in (Weight of his train bunched up against the engines) and waiting for the smash before applying the big hole to stop after.
Third thing. Can’t fix stupid.
I'm waiting for a dimensional shift to become standard in vehicles.
"Use the Blue Button/Knob ONLY IN AN EMERGENCY!!"
Problem is it's one way however it transports one 1/2 hour back while retaining full comprehension of the alternate or altered reality.
Would work very well for those confused and incompetent Truck Drivers that may well believe they're the ONLY ONES to have ever been stuck at a R. R. Crossing.