THATS WHAT MITCH LILLY TOLD US 1 hr ago in a meeting with the employees at 402. We can vote yes and they still dont have a rate from the lenders. But give. Give till it hurts. Give till you bleed. Give people! Or the doors will be closed. This is the same crap Tyson Johnson told us in 09. Then we had 60k employees and today we have according to mitch 23k. And they promised to give us everything back at the end of this contract, but noooooooo! They come back for more. And out of his own mouth Mitch said the teamsters agree. Sad part of it all was, my business agent and all the other mesters were passing out tee shirts and shaking hands for a vote. And NOT 1 came to the meeting tonight to answer our questions. This organization is dead foaming at the mouth and need to be put down. I have no more respect for the organization that so many died and bled for.