Yellow | We have to pass it to find out whats in it


TB Lurker
THATS WHAT MITCH LILLY TOLD US 1 hr ago in a meeting with the employees at 402. We can vote yes and they still dont have a rate from the lenders. But give. Give till it hurts. Give till you bleed. Give people! Or the doors will be closed. This is the same crap Tyson Johnson told us in 09. Then we had 60k employees and today we have according to mitch 23k. And they promised to give us everything back at the end of this contract, but noooooooo! They come back for more. And out of his own mouth Mitch said the teamsters agree. Sad part of it all was, my business agent and all the other mesters were passing out tee shirts and shaking hands for a vote. And NOT 1 came to the meeting tonight to answer our questions. This organization is dead foaming at the mouth and need to be put down. I have no more respect for the organization that so many died and bled for.:452:
THATS WHAT MITCH LILLY TOLD US 1 hr ago in a meeting with the employees at 402. We can vote yes and they still dont have a rate from the lenders. But give. Give till it hurts. Give till you bleed. Give people! Or the doors will be closed. This is the same crap Tyson Johnson told us in 09. Then we had 60k employees and today we have according to mitch 23k. And they promised to give us everything back at the end of this contract, but noooooooo! They come back for more. And out of his own mouth Mitch said the teamsters agree. Sad part of it all was, my business agent and all the other mesters were passing out tee shirts and shaking hands for a vote. And NOT 1 came to the meeting tonight to answer our questions. This organization is dead foaming at the mouth and need to be put down. I have no more respect for the organization that so many died and bled for.:452:

The Union needs YRCW or Dues will dry up. If YRCW closes, the oldsters will rush the pensions, collapsing them. Per a thread KK posted 4 years ago, the Locals will collapse if the Pensions collapse. So, no dues, the locals mortgaged to the pensions, and the fatcat local officers lose their sugar-daddy..... Can't have that....
THATS WHAT MITCH LILLY TOLD US 1 hr ago in a meeting with the employees at 402. We can vote yes and they still dont have a rate from the lenders. But give. Give till it hurts. Give till you bleed. Give people! Or the doors will be closed. This is the same crap Tyson Johnson told us in 09. Then we had 60k employees and today we have according to mitch 23k. And they promised to give us everything back at the end of this contract, but noooooooo! They come back for more. And out of his own mouth Mitch said the teamsters agree. Sad part of it all was, my business agent and all the other mesters were passing out tee shirts and shaking hands for a vote. And NOT 1 came to the meeting tonight to answer our questions. This organization is dead foaming at the mouth and need to be put down. I have no more respect for the organization that so many died and bled for.:452:
Why pay dues for this Horse Dooky! Man what a freaking joke!!!!! These union leaders sound just like our idiot politicians!
THATS WHAT MITCH LILLY TOLD US 1 hr ago in a meeting with the employees at 402. We can vote yes and they still dont have a rate from the lenders. But give. Give till it hurts. Give till you bleed. Give people! Or the doors will be closed. This is the same crap Tyson Johnson told us in 09. Then we had 60k employees and today we have according to mitch 23k. And they promised to give us everything back at the end of this contract, but noooooooo! They come back for more. And out of his own mouth Mitch said the teamsters agree. Sad part of it all was, my business agent and all the other mesters were passing out tee shirts and shaking hands for a vote. And NOT 1 came to the meeting tonight to answer our questions. This organization is dead foaming at the mouth and need to be put down. I have no more respect for the organization that so many died and bled for.:452:

Well...Nobody told us of any meeting today!
I left at 17:00 for Ocala...when the hell did this take place Mud?

I did not get a call to be on the nationwide conference call today, nor was I informed there was a meeting....Damn....I think somebody is trying to KK from grilling them on this POS MOU!...Do ya think?....KK
THATS WHAT MITCH LILLY TOLD US 1 hr ago in a meeting with the employees at 402. We can vote yes and they still dont have a rate from the lenders. But give. Give till it hurts. Give till you bleed. Give people! Or the doors will be closed. This is the same crap Tyson Johnson told us in 09. Then we had 60k employees and today we have according to mitch 23k. And they promised to give us everything back at the end of this contract, but noooooooo! They come back for more. And out of his own mouth Mitch said the teamsters agree. Sad part of it all was, my business agent and all the other mesters were passing out tee shirts and shaking hands for a vote. And NOT 1 came to the meeting tonight to answer our questions. This organization is dead foaming at the mouth and need to be put down. I have no more respect for the organization that so many died and bled for.:452:

Well...Nobody told us of any meeting today!
I left at 17:00 for Ocala...when the hell did this take place Mud?

I did not get a call to be on the nationwide conference call today, nor was I informed there was a meeting....Damn....I think somebody is trying to keep KK from grilling them on this POS MOU!...Do ya think?....KK
Well...Nobody told us of any meeting today!
I left at 17:00 for Ocala...when the hell did this take place Mud?

I did not get a call to be on the nationwide conference call today, nor was I informed there was a meeting....Damn....I think somebody is trying to KK from grilling them on this POS MOU!...Do ya think?....KK

They are avoiding any str8 from the gut questions simply because they only have bs answers which any informed Teamsters will not tolerate!!!
Well...Nobody told us of any meeting today!
I left at 17:00 for Ocala...when the hell did this take place Mud?

I did not get a call to be on the nationwide conference call today, nor was I informed there was a meeting....Damn....I think somebody is trying to keep KK from grilling them on this POS MOU!...Do ya think?....KK
I got on their web site and ask why I was not informed about the call. Lo and behold around 7pm or so my phone rings and it the dog & pony show! Ask a question about why they do not want to pay raises to Dock workers, Clerks and such the final 3 years of the MOU. Needless to say I didn't like the answer. I don't give a rats snotball what other Dockworker get paid. THESE MEN & WOMEN ARE TEAMSTERS DAMMIT! I will not agree to kick them to the curb!
Got another propaganda paper in the mail today. I think that is seven altogether.
Didn't read the others but did this one before trashing it.
Last sentence said that if I wasn't going to vote yes that I shouldn't vote at all.
I'm waiting for the next propaganda paper to tell me that I should just quit if I'm going to vote no.

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