Yellow | When or Will YRC ever stop asking for givebacks ??


-15% Yellow Investment Adviser $$
When or Will YRC ever STOP asking for givebacks ??? not trying to tell you to vote yes or no , but really will yrc ever stop asking for givebacks ???? it really seems to be out of control ? we have given back like $3 billion since 2009 , will another $3 billion make any difference over the next 5 years ?? :regretful:
When or Will YRC ever STOP asking for givebacks ??? not trying to tell you to vote yes or no , but really will yrc ever stop asking for givebacks ???? it really seems to be out of control ? we have given back like $3 billion since 2009 , will another $3 billion make any difference over the next 5 years ?? :regretful:
did you ever give a kid a little piece of chocolate ? after he eats it he comes back and wants more.
the same principal applies here , until you guys get out of the "vote yes and be happy i have a job " mind set , they are going to keep coming back for more.
you guys voted yes once and gave them a chance and they did nothing but squander your givebacks away and made no ground in paying down their debt . they somehow ended up farther in debt then before .
This is the 2nd way Yellow knows how make money, the other is to run good financially stable companies out of business. oops, Yellow did and is doing that as also..
When or Will YRC ever STOP asking for givebacks ??? not trying to tell you to vote yes or no , but really will yrc ever stop asking for givebacks ???? it really seems to be out of control ? we have given back like $3 billion since 2009 , will another $3 billion make any difference over the next 5 years ?? :regretful:
Management does not feel our pain,When they get there **** together maybe we can talk about an extension only.No Givebacks!!!!!!:6792::cuss::ranting2::ranting2:
The company is batting 1000 so far on this YES YES YES vote. So why would they not try to continue the streak,but hopefully this streak will come to an end? Wake up!:stirthepot:
also not going to tell anyone how to vote. For thoughtful consideration on the "turnaround initative" I express the following ...
1 . perhaps an independant fiduciary coop should be formed to recieve our "givebacks" to make sure the money goes to paying off this "debt"... at this point I believe it is highly irresponsible to enable this fleecing cycle to continue. I dont trust em!
2 . I would appreciate an indexed audit of all previous "givebacks" much have money have we lost in wages, pension and stock equity and what accountability for those loses do we have? Lets see some spread sheets, data reports, cost explanations.
3 . Are we getting an MOU, MOA or a contract?
4 . Does this present an exchange for a larger share of company ownership? if so what is the "strike price".... I sure hope its not the current $25,080.00 per share ( that only 15% of our equity/wage consession buys) that we got with all the reverse splits ... another board member like HW to prop up the" deal propaganda "..... I would like to see a damm teamster retiree on this board of directors , not some vain attempt at appeasing the membership! Our 2 union seats are not doing us any good... cashed in huge paydays and bonus! WTF??
5 . Is there any evidence of shared sacrafice.... maybe the top executive management could use some of this pain as well as everybody? Maybe from the ADO level and up we could see a percentile margin of wage concession that was equal to what they ask of labor.

If we had a shred of insight or partisipation with the TNFIC we would have a better proposal... IMO that is where the" start well to finish well" goes off the rail !!! the whole committee embarrasses the legacy of union workers . Its a tough situation and if it was ever about " respect or dignity " that we all spout off about occasionally here on TB .... then we never would have arrived at this poor ways endeavor.
oops... one more
6 . can we get a cap on the blank check? 5 years of this is way more than 1.4 billion $$$ .... and that 1.4 billion$$$ is the companys main anchor on this whole gotcha...
Nice thoughts kansasjimmy,, but you just got way to complicated for this stupid Yellow mamangement team that keeps running this ship aground.. Next time try not to use such big words..
We have people on here that are interested in trying to keep the Company going....and there are obvious reasons to do so.....and we have those that clamor for the Closing of the Company.....

To those that hope the Company continues to operate....keep doing your Jobs as best you can........To those that would like to see it Close.....and complain about how badly it is run and all the mistakes...and how you all are so much smarter than everyone else......keep slacking off and ripping off the Company every chance you get.....perhaps your wish will come true.......

But I ask again......If it is so badly run and it would be better if it just shut down.......and there are all those better jobs at all those other trucking Companies waiting for everyone....why do you insist that YRCF has to go out of business before you can go out and get one of those great Jobs?....... I would say it's best you go now...before the competition gets any worse.......When or if YRCF closes that means your going to have tens of thousands of "former" employees on the hunt for those few opportunities that might become available........Why wait and take that risk??
We have people on here that are interested in trying to keep the Company going....and there are obvious reasons to do so.....and we have those that clamor for the Closing of the Company.....

To those that hope the Company continues to operate....keep doing your Jobs as best you can........To those that would like to see it Close.....and complain about how badly it is run and all the mistakes...and how you all are so much smarter than everyone else......keep slacking off and ripping off the Company every chance you get.....perhaps your wish will come true.......

But I ask again......If it is so badly run and it would be better if it just shut down.......and there are all those better jobs at all those other trucking Companies waiting for everyone....why do you insist that YRCF has to go out of business before you can go out and get one of those great Jobs?....... I would say it's best you go now...before the competition gets any worse.......When or if YRCF closes that means your going to have tens of thousands of "former" employees on the hunt for those few opportunities that might become available........Why wait and take that risk??
Because somone will stand up and not vote for this bulls@#! , you ASSume they want the company to close. You also ASSume a no voter is ripping off the company. You know what they say about ASSumptions. I guess I can ASSume that you as a yes man keeps his genitalia in a jar in his wife's underwear drawer huh.
id say 99% of the people don't want the doors closed , they are just tired of paddling the sinking ship by themselves,
if the company and upper management just keeps doing the same old crap how can anyone expect improvement and not just be waiting until they come back for more time and time again .
they will keep taking until there is nothing left to take or someone says NO MORE .
Because somone will stand up and not vote for this bulls@#! , you ASSume they want the company to close. You also ASSume a no voter is ripping off the company. You know what they say about ASSumptions. I guess I can ASSume that you as a yes man keeps his genitalia in a jar in his wife's underwear drawer huh.

If you look at the larger picture it should be obvious that YRCF does not have the money to pay you what you think your worth.....also consider the fact that the lenders are going to have a very large say in what they will or will not accept as a condition to keep financing the Company....and yes.....It is far more likely that a majority "no" vote from the Union will be a major reason for the Lenders to withhold further funding and thus force the Company into bankruptcy........that is not an assumption....that is a reasonable conclusion based on the realities that face YRCF....

Because somone will stand up and not vote for this bulls@#! , you ASSume they want the company to close.

I'm not assuming any such thing.....I'm only going by the posts that I read from those that express that they would be in favor of letting the Company close....Like this "insightful" post...

Vote no for this pile of dog sheet. Wanna work for skab conditions, then work at a skab outfit. Shut the doors on this pos

You also ASSume a no voter is ripping off the company.

Not all no voters.......however, I have worked for many years with people that took pride in admitting that they ripped off the Company at every opportunity..and everyone of them, without fail, pushed the "Vote no" nonsense from the very first vote on the concessions....It is with that experience that I made my comment.......if it doesn't apply to you then don't sweat it......

I guess I can ASSume that you as a yes man keeps his genitalia in a jar in his wife's underwear drawer huh.

I can see that your quite incapable of having an adult discourse ....... Instead of just expressing an opinion that gives at least a tiny bit of resort to infantile attempts at insulting me..... You should actually be ashamed of your post.....
When or Will YRC ever STOP asking for givebacks ??? not trying to tell you to vote yes or no , but really will yrc ever stop asking for givebacks ???? it really seems to be out of control ? we have given back like $3 billion since 2009 , will another $3 billion make any difference over the next 5 years ?? :regretful:

When we tell them NO!
id say 99% of the people don't want the doors closed , they are just tired of paddling the sinking ship by themselves,
if the company and upper management just keeps doing the same old crap how can anyone expect improvement and not just be waiting until they come back for more time and time again .
they will keep taking until there is nothing left to take or someone says NO MORE .

I agree with you Mr Longblade in that the majority probably don't want to lose their jobs due to a closure.....Further, I can fully understand how everyone feels about concessions...and the very thought of more concessions....

Everyone always brings up the point about Management doing the same things......While that may appear to be the case from the Employees frame of reference...that may not necessarily be the case in actuality...... What exactly do you, and others, mean by "upper management just keeps doing the same old crap" ? and in your view, what would you do that would be so dramatically different that would make YRCF profitable?...

Another factor that needs to be kept in mind is that it is not just the management that is exerting pressure for more concessions...or at the least, an extension of the present is also the Lenders that have an even larger say in the matter as they are the ones that have the power to keep the Company afloat or to decline further financing and let it slip into bankruptcy.....

This is not a matter of just another "routine" contract negotiations of a bygone era.....Simply voting No and it just goes back to the "Table" to be rehashed....It is not that simple anymore......It's actually a matter of if the Company survives...or gets to keep struggling in the hope of a future....

Another thing worth considering is the amount of time and effort that each and everyone of us has invested in this Company....for many of us that represents a large part of our lives.....That is a lot to just throw away because of not wanting to take more concessions to keep the Company going until they can compete on a profitable level.....I realize that at some point it will not make sense to continue to grant deeper concessions...but at this point I don't believe it has sunk to that level... as of yet....Look around at what the prospects of a better job are for the majority of the Employees in the event of a bankruptcy.....Does YRCF still offer a better job than most of what is available out there? ... as long as that answer is yes...then it should make sense to stay the course....if it sinks to a level that the average trucking job becomes the "better" job...then it makes a lot more sense to let it go...

All I'm doing is trying to get people to think of things at a deeper and more broader scope than just themselves and their own personal dissatisfaction with their workplace experience......While for many, short sighted thinking and all the bravado that goes along with it, seems that it somehow makes them "Better" teamsters..or "Real men"..or "Smarter" than everyone else. That is simplistic thinking and does no one any good......It's a serious matter and deserves serious reflection on just how to use the power that we have as a Brotherhood of Union employees....and to use it for the benefit of our Brothers and sisters in the craft.....and those that will want to follow.....

I appreciate your viewpoint on the situation and I understand those concerns...and I appreciate your adult level of discussion....
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