Central Transport | Which was larger?


TB Lurker
Which company was larger (as far as the number of employees was concerned) Vitran or PJax? How big of an outfit was Chris? I fully understand that in the different regions of the country the cost of living varies, as should the paycheck. Tell me though, how can it be justified that there is a "different strokes for different folks" formula when applying benefits? :confused:
Which company was larger (as far as the number of employees was concerned) Vitran or PJax? How big of an outfit was Chris? I fully understand that in the different regions of the country the cost of living varies, as should the paycheck. Tell me though, how can it be justified that there is a "different strokes for different folks" formula when applying benefits? :confused:

Different folks, that apply the strokes, to the right folks, get added special benefits. Ain't that right DH?:butt kiss:
Fluffy, I am asking about how and why would benefits differ from one region(PJax country) to another(milan or chris) old territory. Surely you arent implying that one whole group of drivers are "submissive" in hopes of reaping higher quality benefits than another group, are you?