Yellow blames Teamsters leadership for negotiating in ‘bad faith’

Unfortunately yellow and the teamsters have no say in the matter… the banks hold all the cards… we will stay open until the scales balance in the banks favor to pull the the plug… life will go on until then
This guy Reifsnyder said Yellow has met with more than 100 locals with positive feedback from employees. I ask what locals and what feedback did they get to let allow them to think this change made sense. Who are these people? Enlighten us all
It’s selective hearing syndrome. For example

If an employee told a Yeller executive his mother wears combat boots he hears an employee likes his mothers combat boots.
You are correct. It's never been done before. But it's not specifically forbidden. A non-binding membership vote gives the IBT negotiators a real sense of what the members, whose jobs are in jeopardy, really think. All they are hearing now is the hardliners who are entrenched in their positions. Unions are to represent all the members. Why not hear their thoughts and let that influence the decision?
Yellow is in a death spiral. Doing nothing cannot be an option.
If we vote and it’s no are they going to cancel the COO ? No.
And they are always death spiral until they are taking huge bonuses.

If the Only way to stay in business is to screw employees who have given a lot to keep them open then shut it down. They can easily do the COO without screwing employees.
And there it is, greedy corporation.
Is there any greed on the labor side? Is $35.00 an hour to sit on a forklift greed?
Is the entitlement mentality of free healthcare and life long pensions greed?
Is 5 weeks vacation, 10 paid sick days and 10 holidays greed? Add it up 9 weeks, more than 2 moths, of paid time off each year.
Is it greed to demand to be paid to sit on your butt while the company pays someone else to string your set?
Does this COO reduce the workforce? Yes, it does. That is what every COO does. 22,000 Teamsters at Yellow. Take some casualties and protect the vast majority of the jobs. Do nothing or refuse to bend and wait for the day Yellow can't make payroll.
Take some casualties? We took the hit on the pension, we endured the 15 percent pay cut, we worked through Covid and our UNIONS carried the cost of our healthcare during Covid because Yeller didn’t have the money. We had 35000 teamsters employed here a few years ago down to 22000 now. We gave them new job classifications every COO they wanted. Take some casualties? We have.
If you had read some of my older posts, you would see that I had lost 30% of my Western Pa pension in 2019 and was totally opposed to the taxpayer bailing out private pension funds. Yes, I loved all those union benefits. So did the other Teamsters at CF, APA, Putnam, Roadway, St. Johnsonsbury and the list goes on.
I have read your posts for some time and I seem to remember you supporting the bail out you hypocrite.... Does this sound familiar?
"As wrong as it is, I hope that's true. I've lost $868 a month since August 2019. But seeing is believing. Four months to make application and who knows how long to get approved before any money goes to anyone." That is from a post of don't like it but you hope to get that should have said you oppose anyone getting help other than you....

Post in thread 'Western PA Pension' ABF | - Western PA Pension

The teamsters at those other companies aren't on here telling people to settle for less that is the difference.....
Unfortunately I have read your older posts. Makes me sad to see what has become of a "former Teamster brother". I lost 66% of my TRucking Employees Of North Jersey Pension and I am happier than a pig in :shhit: that the government righted a wrong to retired people who earned those pensions. Yellow will never compete with Fed Ex anymore, you know that and so does everyone else. But the banks and the greedy upper management still see that there is more dollars to squeeze out of this pig. Give backs it worked before it will work again is their thinking, but I feel the rank and file has finally had it and will call their bluff.
with 701, took a 52% hit thought that was bad, 66% WOW!
Possibly not but what if, would you?
I'm retired it's not my call. I've made my decisions at Companies looking for givebacks. I left them. Ryder/PIE started an ESOP, I wouldn't participate. Had a one on one with a VP at our terminal, he asked me why I would let down my fellow employees and not give back 15% of my pay. I told him I am not forcing anybody to give back their money to the company but when you give back 15% of your salary back I will think about it. His name was Leo Suggs, Seabreeze would probably remember him. He then told me the ESOP was only for union members and I told him thanks then I'll pass. Left, next stop Roadway. Everything was fine until the Yellow Dog showed up. 15% later and no pension contributions for 18 months and I retired from there. I always believed in the saying " a fair days work for a fair days pay" so when they want give backs they didn't want me. So I guess my answer to you is no, you will have to make your own decision. Good luck in whatever you choose.
I have read your posts for some time and I seem to remember you supporting the bail out you hypocrite.... Does this sound familiar?
"As wrong as it is, I hope that's true. I've lost $868 a month since August 2019. But seeing is believing. Four months to make application and who knows how long to get approved before any money goes to anyone." That is from a post of don't like it but you hope to get that should have said you oppose anyone getting help other than you....

Post in thread 'Western PA Pension' ABF | - Western PA Pension

The teamsters at those other companies aren't on here telling people to settle for less that is the difference.....
That is indeed from a post of mine. Nowhere does it say I support the bailout.
Did I refuse the money, of course not! I took $35,000 in back payments, rolled to an IRA and paid no taxes on it.
The taxpayer should not be paying $20.43 (3500 a month for 12 months divided by 52 weeks) per hour for my pension they had no part in negotiating. Posters here blast corporate welfare but have no problem taking welfare for unions. At the very least, there should be a reduction on people like me, who are getting pension benefits from the orphan companies.
That is indeed from a post of mine. Nowhere does it say I support the bailout.
Did I refuse the money, of course not! I took $35,000 in back payments, rolled to an IRA and paid no taxes on it.
The taxpayer should not be paying $20.43 (3500 a month for 12 months divided by 52 weeks) per hour for my pension they had no part in negotiating. Posters here blast corporate welfare but have no problem taking welfare for unions. At the very least, there should be a reduction on people like me, who are getting pension benefits from the orphan companies.
I'm thankful you don't have anything to do with a reduction.
I sure do not put myself in your class, I'm looking for a raise, not a reduction, squirrel gravy 3 times a day gets old.
If you're getting too much money, send a little my way to help maintain my lavish lifestyle.
That is indeed from a post of mine. Nowhere does it say I support the bailout.
Did I refuse the money, of course not! I took $35,000 in back payments, rolled to an IRA and paid no taxes on it.
The taxpayer should not be paying $20.43 (3500 a month for 12 months divided by 52 weeks) per hour for my pension they had no part in negotiating. Posters here blast corporate welfare but have no problem taking welfare for unions. At the very least, there should be a reduction on people like me, who are getting pension benefits from the orphan companies.
When you said you hope its true, that is support of it....
Then why did Yrc do away with the velocity drivers they had a couple years back? What is going to be different this time….
I was actually going to ask the same thing....
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