Yellow | Yellow or ABF

Home time isgames in 3 yrs more important than all the money in the world , working 60 plus hours a week & no home life is just not worth it , unfortunately I figured it out to late in life ...................:apologetic:
I was just the opposite, never came close to being one of our top moneymakers
I think I missed only one of my son's high school football games in 3 yrs.
PIE being very lenient with their work rules didn't hurt.

Wore that 2 record set completely out. Had to buy a second set.
Probably the best ever!
I was and still am Roy Claxton Acuff's biggest fan.
He had to be great to his band, the youngest members had 25 plus years, Pete Kirby (Oswald) had 54 yrs.
does anyone know how much the pension is for abf let’s say you work there for 30 years?
Contributions are near $8/hour...capped at 2080 hours for the year. ABF is an ‘80 and out’ company, meaning that if you add your age and years of service together and they total 80, you have a good retirement! You don’t mention how old you are, but if you were to put in 30 years at ABF, providing nothing changes regarding pension contribution rates, then you’ll be in good shape! You’re in California, which means you’d be in the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Fund, which is in excellent financial condition. Good luck to you!
I was 54 in 1990 when PIE folded, I was offered a job with Yellow.
I had put in half of my 35 yrs with Ryder and Pie on the extra board.
I wasn't willing to go through that again after 5 weeks vacation plus any run I wanted, to this day, I still don't regret not working another day.
I did go with 30 and out, I don't think you can leave at any age today.
I was 31 years old in 1982 when PIE stopped working me as a casual at their breakbulk in ABQ. NM. You would get close to getting your days in as a casual and they would stop calling you. Fortunately for me, my other casual employer Roadway put me on full time about a month later. I would've gone with whoever put me on full-time first.
I was 31 years old in 1982 when PIE stopped working me as a casual at their breakbulk in ABQ. NM. You would get close to getting your days in as a casual and they would stop calling you. Fortunately for me, my other casual employer Roadway put me on full time about a month later. I would've gone with whoever put me on full-time first.
This was one of my faults with PIE, they only used firemen and policemen for extra help.
These guys never wanted full-time.
They were finally required to use laid-off Teamsters from other companies first.
This was in Charl, can't say about other parts.
Contributions are near $8/hour...capped at 2080 hours for the year. ABF is an ‘80 and out’ company, meaning that if you add your age and years of service together and they total 80, you have a good retirement! You don’t mention how old you are, but if you were to put in 30 years at ABF, providing nothing changes regarding pension contribution rates, then you’ll be in good shape! You’re in California, which means you’d be in the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Fund, which is in excellent financial condition. Good luck to you!
The central Pennsylvania pension plan is $10.395 hourly contribution....In 2019 total employer pension contribution was $21,029.09. I guess it varies by region....
Where would that money (contributions) come from to make that happen? I seriously doubt ABF or any other company is going to pay out large amounts of money to make those people whole in regard to their pensions.
Is it true that if you go over to ABF after 12 or 18 months your Pension is brought up to 100 percent even for your years at YRC companies that were only paid partially?
TDU has a Yrc Q&A dated April 2021. Try page 2 #6