..................................................................... YRC shouldn't be using cheap/old technology to run a billion dollar business, that is twice the size than it was before. If YRC is getting loan approvals from banks, doesn't anyone else think YRC should be using a better and a more updated technology/software system that can adapt to the newer and more advanced global economy?
Try working out of 309, if someone really wants to know what
Hell is really like. I believe people would have adapted better with the concessions taking place with a more professional management, like we once had in 301/CGB
............................................................ 301 management wasn't perfect, but they at least treated people with professional courtesy, allow drivers to slide or have a safety slide, give time off or give vacation when needed, and more reasonable people to talk too if there was ever a problem.
Nobody ever needed any special permission granted from someone to live their own lives. There was no reason for anyone to be treated like a piece of ::
::, like how the other management treats people at YRC/309 now. The surviving management for YRC/309 doesn't have enough common sense to realize that nobody likes working for an @$$-hole, neither. If the from 309 would treat people with a lot more respect than what their giving people, their would be a lot less problems to be dealing with, from both sides of the work force.
According to the surviving management out of 309, if there is something to easy to solve, operate, or if there is something that happens that makes sense, there has got to be be something wrong. The current YRC/309 management are operating the company, like a chicken with it's head cut off.
I'm sure if the current surviving YRC/309 Management's (family parents) realized how stupid their off-spring really were, they would have been traded in for a family-pet monkey, years ago.
Another words, the ------ from the 309 Management lacks people skills. Maybe that is why they have a hard time dealing with Teamsters, because they have no trouble dealing with their own, original, .............Ah, never mind, it is pretty obvious what the others are.
edited for content/language Vwaggs