OK, I am a little confused here and maybe someone can help set me straight.
1) KK has claimed to have started this thread yet the header shows herecomesruby as the person entitled to that claim to fame. What am I missing?
2) This thread is a discussion thread, not a read only thread, which would imply that discussion is welcome. Discussion=mouse clicks and mouse clicks=advertising revenue for Jeff, the owner of the bulletin board. This thread, for the most part is an information only thread where all can read the alleged YRC bill count for the day but discussion is permissible (unless your view is different from KK's).
3) I am a visitor to this site who openly admits to not being a YRC employee but I am not the only one who has participated in this current discussion.
4) KK has told me to go away if I don't see things his way. See Point 2 above. Given point 2 above and the fact that KK is a moderator, correction, "super moderator" I can't understand why he would discourage healthy and legitimate conversation here. Somehow this discussion has struck a nerve with KK and for the best I can see he is the only one who has lashed out at anyone.
I am not afraid of correction so if I am wrong here please help me get straightened out.