.(Bill count doesn't show volume.) I have been told on here for saying that same thing;that I Don't have a clue.
Thanks for the validation wild thing.
OK............I'm going to explain why the daily bill count is so important..........The company uses this number to determine how many people they will need to work the freight. So, if a terminal has a goal of 3 bills per hour and there are 10 people working the dock that would mean they are expected to process 30 bills per hour, 240 per 8 hours and so on. They then use the mythical, "Load Factor" as a goal to predict revenue per shipment, per truck load, which we all know is stupid when all they have to do is calculate the actual revenue on the trailer. Plus, it never factors in the cost of running empties. So, in a nut shell, higher bill count, more people work. Lower bill count, people get lay off letters.