Yellow | YRC Teamsters getting Bamboozled


TB Lurker
To deceive or get the better of (someone) by trickery, flattery, or the like; humbug; hoodwink (often fol. by into): They bamboozled us into voting yes…..

I guess only time will tell but I believe we are getting some serious bullshit sent our way, but I hope if this all works out we can rebuild the contract back where we help ALL teamsters and not go after a few for our gains…Giving them four hour regular employees laid off or not are we CRAZY!
To deceive or get the better of (someone) by trickery, flattery, or the like; humbug; hoodwink (often fol. by into): They bamboozled us into voting yes…..

I guess only time will tell but I believe we are getting some serious bullshit sent our way, but I hope if this all works out we can rebuild the contract back where we help ALL teamsters and not go after a few for our gains…Giving them four hour regular employees laid off or not are we CRAZY!
Big, big mistake in my opinion. Anytime you create a class of have and have nots it will cease being a Union. Now to be a have one probably has to have 25 years and even they are getting nervous, but refuse to learn.