Yellow | YRC terminal by youngstown ohio


TB Regular
Been laid off and driving for a ::shit:: place at the moment. i always go east down the tollway to ny ,nj , pa ect ect. yesterday i drove by the scale house heading east . the one by girard where ohio ends and you go into PA. I look to my right on the other side of the highway and i never noticed a yrc terminal there. was this place abondoned and now running again . Or have i been probably always looking at the scale house everytime and never noticed it before?
that term. used to be a roadway barn. yellow had a term. about 3 miles east of there at the 234 exit. when they combined they moved to the roadway term.
The old Yellow term is empty. Its directly across the interstate from Truck World. As previously stated, the old Roadway term you saw is now the YRC terminal.
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