Yellow | YRCW-TNFINC Contract Negotiations Update 12-21-18


TB Legend

I feel better already knowing that Ernie Soehl has put together a negotiating committee made up of "experienced leaders" from across the country. Did I miss something, or did he not mention "experienced rank-and-file people" who actually do this for a living? People who are actually impacted by the outcome of these negotiations? Get the point? I don't need an "experienced leader" (translation a Union official who hasn't worked in this industry for years, and isn't directly affected by the hardships we've endured, but certainly is willing to travel to these negotiating sessions at yours and my expense to negotiate for us). I hear the sound of a "junket in process"?
3% for 5 years to make up the giveback on top of 30 cents an hour and pension payments going back to full rate in 20% a year incraments over the life of the contract.
Then we can go from there and see how it goes!
Actually, using Wong’s wage chart on the Holland thread from 2008 when hourly was $22.73, to recover 15 percent of that wage, plus .30 a year raise, it will translate to roughly a $1.00 per hour increase yearly, which would be roughly $27.73 in 5 years.
pension payments going back to full rate in 20% a year incraments over the life of the contract.

I will never vote for a pension increase while it is unsustainable.
The main reason I took a Teamster Union job was for the pension.
I am a realist and although it sickens me I know the Ponzi scheme has come to the end..even with full payments it doesn’t stand a chance for survival without drastic cuts from everyone.

Put that money in our pockets so that we can spend it or put it in our own IRA.Or at least give us the option as to where we want the money to go.