ABF | 1 week of vacation

Abf"s workers comp system is a scam,, the case worker racket,, dr racket, therapy racket is nuts... In our area it is Coventry, the case mgmnt lady usues a particular surgeon and therapy place,, kick backs,, all over do it, charging abf bookoo bucks,, she okays every bogus procedure and test and amount of time off needed... Is this to drive up costs or is abf work comp head too stupid? they complain but wont see thru the cracks.. We have a guy that had asurgery approved and wasn't really for what he injured himself for,, the dr found something else in area.. complications set in,,, now case worker and surgeon are in damage control.. another instance,, guy using work comp for personal elective orthopaedic issues and work comp case worker approves it all. commission commission dr, case worker, therapy place all prosper,, abf dishes it out!!! no sympathy here....

Well it could be away to build losses with an upcoming contract or maybe the "Head Hillbilly in Charge" has been snookered by them thar Yankee financier types! Either way someones not doing their job! I've heard what you said many times in the last 18 -24 months