FedEx Freight | 10 hr.rule


TB Lurker
Was anybody else told in their meeting today there will be no runs over 10 hrs. We have about 6 runs to cut back on miles. BHM. Needless to say we have a few ticked off drivers.
Non issue @ CDS
I would think that he's talking drive hours. As far as I know D.O.T. is staying with the 11hr rule. If he's talking total hours then 90% of us will be looking for work.
I can see them putting road to hourly and 4 ten hour nights also nothing would shock me in the least!!!!
Now if RC went hourly....... He would be the most law abiding, best rested, most haz-mat compliant driver in the industry.
Not to mention the slowest.
You dont have to give them ideas they already have enough college kids with the big ideas, you know they took all the courses at school freight loading master degrees, with phd's in geography!