XPO | 2007 termination

sick days

Does anyone know the company definition of sick is?? I don't know either and I bet they don't have one!! After all they are not in the medical field. " a driver shall not drive if fatigued nor shall a driver be required to drive if fatigued'
Does anyone know the company definition of sick is?? I don't know either and I bet they don't have one!! After all they are not in the medical field. " a driver shall not drive if fatigued nor shall a driver be required to drive if fatigued'

Its too bad the company couldn't have come up with some type of policy that would have given us 2 or 3 " sick " days...., even if we had to get a doctors note on the first day....along with an incentive plan that would give us something if we didn't use any sick time... like maybe some PTO time to use in the next year. Something like that, along with 5 PTO days to use would have been a better deal. Wishful thinking I guess.....in the mean time, If I'm that sick not to work...I'll try and force myself to get to work...stay there a short time and then leave and go back home....It wouldn't matter to me how busy it was or how short of help we might be at the time....I'll just be leaving .....and the following day, if I felt the same, it will be a repeat of the previous day. I don't plan on using any of my PTO days as "sick" days.
Think of it this way.
We kept our 2 personal days and they left us with 3 sick days, stirred it up in the Con-way blender and rebranded it as 5 PTO days.

Good enough for me, as I never used all my sick days. It would of been nice in an emergency rather than having to dip into my PTO/vacation time.

This is a good topic. Sooner or later we will figure it out.
there is no change regarding sick days. They continue to fall under the attendance policies. Missing work or being tardy is an occurrence. Six occurrences and you may be history. Interpretation of the new policy will be interesting. Calling in one hour before your start time may qualify as a PTO or may be interpreted as an occurrence. I am sure we will have to use all of our paid days before being granted an unpaid personal day.
A few days ago I read a story from cnn that there is a national movement that would make paid sick time mandatory it has passed in san francisco, you would earn 1 hr for every 30 hrs, up to 72 hrs that seems like a good idea to me.
there is no change regarding sick days. They continue to fall under the attendance policies. Missing work or being tardy is an occurrence. Six occurrences and you may be history. Interpretation of the new policy will be interesting. Calling in one hour before your start time may qualify as a PTO or may be interpreted as an occurrence. I am sure we will have to use all of our paid days before being granted an unpaid personal day.
I don't think con-way will go for calling in sick an giving you a PTO day.Time will tell.
Yeah...this one's gonna be harsh. Especially to the driver who actually gets really sick with a bad flu that gets passed from family member to family member and back to square one.
I believe that the new policy should apply to those working in office-type positions.

To those of us that work in brutally cold conditions and are subjected to the elements, it's amazing that we work as many days as we already do!!
Con-Way is going to force a lot of drivers to work under duress due to the new policy. Putting an intimidated sick person in the driver's seat of a set of doubles with only a couple of sick days to use a year (if he wants to use a few for personal reasons), forcing he/she to work while sick and "medicated" with over-the-counter cold medicines is asking for a major accident. The one's who will suffer the most will be those who only have a year or two with Con-Way and only have one week of vacation and need to use those 5 PTO's for additional personal use. They are going to try and work when any physician would recommend they stay home. That happened to me. My doctor told me when I was really sick last year, to take a few days off. I laughed at him and said that I would risk losing my job if I did (a bit of an exaggeration, of course). Boy, Doc was right. I ended up in the hospital with walking pnuemonia and missed 5 more days.

Dave M and Con-Way thought they had problems (relating to safety) with the length of some runs and the mileages some of the terminals were running (forcing our terminal to convert a 600 mile (RT) solo run to an ESL bid), wait until a few major lawsuits occur due to fatal accidents relating to driver fatigue/sick and corporate negligence with too few sick days being awarded. That will get things changed, albeit too late, for those unfortunate sufferers.
I don't wish anyone any harm, but I think it's inevitable and hope I'm not a casualty.
Take 3

Make sure that you take three days and have a note from a doctor so that your absence falls under the FMLA, and the company can not hold it against you as an occurence. Depending on the note you get from your doctor, Saturdays and Sundays count, as long as it is three CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR days. Unfortunately, and understandably, you may have to fib and take an extra day to reach the tree days and keep yourself out of trouble. Odd that you are placed into that position by a company whose number one core value is integrity.
Make sure that you take three days and have a note from a doctor so that your absence falls under the FMLA, and the company can not hold it against you as an occurence. Depending on the note you get from your doctor, Saturdays and Sundays count, as long as it is three CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR days. Unfortunately, and understandably, you may have to fib and take an extra day to reach the tree days and keep yourself out of trouble. Odd that you are placed into that position by a company whose number one core value is integrity.

Let's see if i have this right.
See a doctor take three days off without pay.
An two weeks later you will be sick when you
get a two day pay check.
Just my input as it is flu season, so if I have the flu and come to work and others wind up getting the flu from me then they get sick cause I didn't stay home to recuperate.

Good idea or bad ????
nothing but trouble

they (conway) gave us 10 sick days but if you use them then you would get a l.o.i. so it was a no win situation. and now with the 5 p.t.o. days if you call in and take one with out advance notice you will still be subject to a l.o.i. after the 3rd instance so we cant win!!!!!
What am I missing. In the past we had 10 sick days that if you used them you could expect a LOI or worse. We now have 5 PTO days to use however we want. To me I'm much better off with the 5 PTO days. It's an extra week of vacation, because I typically never used sick days anyway.
After reading some of these posts, You guys need to get with your service center and review some policies. Some of you drivers are misinformed.

From here on out I am going to follow this topic and lmao until I decide to step in. :)