R&L | 25 cent raise effective May 1st


TB Lurker
Posted in our driver's room this afternoon. 25 cent raise for everybody and Company is going to start re-imbursting costs associated with renewing Haz-Mat. 25 cents is a little cheap after goin 3 years without a raise but it's a start. Our bill count is up 10% from what it was last year at this time. Hmmmmmmmmm
Better than nothing I guess.Could be better but considering I didnt think we would get anything I guess its ok. You are right on PHI.
Probably not, those of us who run linehaul are considered overpaid now..
Never mind all the ways linehaul gets screwed..

The un-paid time waiting for your bills.
The crappy equipment that ya have to take to the shop everyday before you roll out the gate
the 2 hour+ unpaid breakdowns while on your run.
And the wait time at your slip point because you have to wait on your meet driver..

I could stand for no raise, IF we turned our trucks back up to 72......
If I could get out the gate hassle-free once in awhile,

But, none of that is gonna ever happen so....

But, that's not gonna happen, now is it.
WOW!!!!! $10.00 AN F-ING WEEK ON A 40 HOUR WEEK. And don't bust me up with giving me my renewal fee back every 4 years for my haz-mat. I have been here for 20 plus years and this place is becoming a joke that's run by a bunch of clowns. WTF is $10.00 more a week going to buy my family. Oh i forgot, maybe it will buy me 2 extra gallons of gas to use to get back home after i get to my terminal and they say, What are you doing here, we called you off. And my phone didn't even ring.
I'm with ya buddy...What a F-ING JOKE...They can keep thier cheap ass 25 cents. This place is pathetic.
WOW!!!!! $10.00 AN F-ING WEEK ON A 40 HOUR WEEK. And don't bust me up with giving me my renewal fee back every 4 years for my haz-mat. I have been here for 20 plus years and this place is becoming a joke that's run by a bunch of clowns. WTF is $10.00 more a week going to buy my family. Oh i forgot, maybe it will buy me 2 extra gallons of gas to use to get back home after i get to my terminal and they say, What are you doing here, we called you off. And my phone didn't even ring.
Posted in our driver's room this afternoon. 25 cent raise for everybody and Company is going to start re-imbursting costs associated with renewing Haz-Mat. 25 cents is a little cheap after goin 3 years without a raise but it's a start. Our bill count is up 10% from what it was last year at this time. Hmmmmmmmmm

What is re-imbursting. Does that mean bursting something a second time? Sheesh!