XPO | 2nd Job


TB Lurker
I'm pretty low on the flex board at my barn and am finding it pretty hard to hit 40 hrs, I have a buddy that works at Kane Transport delivering fuel and says they could use a few guys on the weekend, seeing that I have about 20 hrs left on my logbook a week would conway consider it a conflict of interest if I were to pick up a few hrs running fuel on the weekends?
well if you run l/h on a fri night how will that affect your wknd work? will the other employer understand the situation. and if you use up your 60 doing this and don't get your reset 36 off conway mngmnt will not be happy with you, that my frnd will be a conflict in conways point of view. there was a guy in our barn, had a city bid, and did fueling on the wknd, always compianed about being tired, was never avail to pick up drvs on sat, as he was the one who fueled the trucks! he quit a month ago to work straight nights for this fuel company! had a sweet city bid, hated l/h with a passion...and he left to stink of desiel permantly on nights for less money???? ask your tm about more hrs, sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease. he who bi$$ches loudest is given the work...sometimes good luck