FedEx Freight | 3 fed ex trucks crashed last night

According to our safety director for the chicago area and beyond, Don D, if central deams it safe for you to go you have to pull out of the gate. Once you are out of the gate you can shut it down if you don't think it is safe. He said that if you refuse to leave the center it is considered refusing to work, but once out the gate it is your call. He said since we hire the best of the best drivers we all should be able to drive in very poor roads. As he says.....other people are out there driving on the same roads and are having no problems so you shouldn't either. Keep in mind this particular safety director almost always find any kind of accident chargable. My theory has always been if I don't think it is safe I don't care who you are I am parking the truck!! PERIOD!! Of course I am a city driver so you road guys get it a hell of alot worse than me in this wonderful winter crap. I don't miss running over the road in this stuff!!

what does don d know about the saftey or conditions of the road and whats safe as long as he can roll away from his desk to the doughnut box its safe to move thats his gauge hes never drivin he was a saftey man at ups so he knows it all ups driving school you wreck your fired sure gets old to listen to college kids who know all there is to know about driving because they have a degree they can wipe their rear end with the degree get in a truck some winter night or day and see what its all about learn something through the school of hard knocks
what does don d know about the saftey or conditions of the road and whats safe as long as he can roll away from his desk to the doughnut box its safe to move thats his gauge hes never drivin he was a saftey man at ups so he knows it all ups driving school you wreck your fired sure gets old to listen to college kids who know all there is to know about driving because they have a degree they can wipe their rear end with the degree get in a truck some winter night or day and see what its all about learn something through the school of hard knocks

I take it you know Mr. Wonderful He thinks he knows everything, but I disagree with almost everything he says. One of our drivers said to him......The dock workers aren't pulling the nails out of the floors and nobody seems to care. I think it's a safety hazard because you can trip on them and they can puncture drums. Don D's reaction was......go buy yourself a prybar and remove them????? It's obvious that he knows nothing that isn't in his little policy book.
Oh I forgot to mention all the FedEx ground that run opposite of me where singled out back to Chicago. Except the one that crashed at the In-IL line he had a set.

I passed opposite that 80/94 Ground truck vs. minivan and either the van tried to merge into Grounds lane or Ground didnt see the van and merged into his lane, The van was mostly T-boned on the rear passenger side in the middle didnt look weather or doubles related, the pavement was bone dry. Also waiting in traffic to get by were no less than 4 other Ground trucks all pulling doubles I did'nt see any singled out, not to say that there may not have been some somewhere.:hide:
there was a fedex freight crashed on i-84 in Or, just starting up 3 mile hill. Hope the driver is all right

Driver fine. little cut on finger and a bruised lip. black ice is not our friend!!!!!! no sand or gravel on roadway. There was another wreck behind this one in the canyon. CFI jackknifed and blocked roadway
Some of us on the freight side waited at Memphis till day light before heading out. That freezing drizzle all night made the bridges a real mess not to mention all the idiots who were out driving on it when they should have been at home. The dumbest ones were the ones who would fly around the big trucks, hit a little slick spot and then hit their brakes.
"one on 80-94 ran over a van, one at mile sticker 222 on 65 in indiana, and one on 74 in indiana, i dont know for sure if it was freight, but i do know the one on 74 was, slow down boys its slick"

it was mile marker 115 east bound 74.i drove by it and it was fedex express, not freight