Yellow | $50 Million Teamster Win in Louisville

It is a shame they didn't have the IBT behind them to begin with. I don't know what they're doing in Washington but nothing about it looks good.
Kinda funny Hoff a did nothing to support it but I guarantee he will get hi an share of the 50 million so much for that leadership lol
I you are right and you know it. NOT just wishing you are right. But you have all the facts. You going to WIN brother!!!!!!!
I couldn't get the tdu site up on my phone.That site hasn't been loading for some reason.So what's the diddy on that 50mil.story
I couldn't get the tdu site up on my phone.That site hasn't been loading for some reason.So what's the diddy on that 50mil.story
It looks like a carhaul company just ditched a contract, fired all drivers and replaced them with cheap labor. No support from the IBT, local took matters into their own hands and won labor charges and finally got the IBT to sanction a strike (don't understand how a strike would be possible if the workers were all let go already). Result was jobs back and back pay for furloughed workers. Must have been out for a long time to amount to $50 mil.
I like the part about without the help of the Hoffa admin.

Not because they didn't ask for it because Hoffa let their butts hang in the wind.
WE STAND WITH FRED!!!!! Fred has been taking on UPS, Car Haul, Freight, Kroger and any other contract negotiated with sub standard agreements even though the Hoffa crew has been trying to sideline local 89 Fred Zuckerman has dove in head first. You need to take the time and visit local 89 on Facebook and read up on what's going on and the take back our Union campaign.
If you teamsters out there want somebody to believe in, Look up Fred Zuckerman. He is knowledgeable about everything that goes on, Many years experience. This guy will stand tall against anybody. He is the kind of person who can restore the strength our union once had. If he receives enough support, he will make an excellent candidate against Hoffa. It's up to US though. we can do nothing and complain.... Or we can back an excellent candidate and restore what we had!!!
Thanks to our local 89 President Fred Zuckerman!!! Find Fred on Facebook and encourage him to run for general President. Fred is a Member's First stand up guy!
I found out about Mr.Z way down south.The UNION made him look like a bad guy during the stalled UPS contract talks.So the Union decided to pass an amendment to slam all that he was standing up for.
Fred is not afraid to stand up for what is right for the member's. Even if it means going against Hoffa. Or running against Hoffa. That's why they try to discredit him. Search the facts of what the Union forced on UPS here in Louisville hub.
Fred is not afraid to stand up for what is right for the member's. Even if it means going against Hoffa. Or running against Hoffa. That's why they try to discredit him. Search the facts of what the Union forced on UPS here in Louisville hub.

Please tell us what was forced on Louisville hub. Also tell us how worse off they are today?
I'm sure Fred would be a decent General President.In some cases a guys determination can also be a detriment to all.In the UPS case I believe the Union members got all they could ask for.Maybe that particular local didn't get a couple things.Overall it was good.Fred seems to have that tenacity second to none.If he becomes GP. He will be toned down.They always are