A peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a piranha head

Piranha head? Why not fillet them and grill the fillets?

Then make a fish sammich!

Oh yeah!
Piranha head? Why not fillet them and grill the fillets?

Then make a fish sammich!

Oh yeah!

i simply prefer the square fish that McDonald's catches....i gotta fish there someday myself.

and nothing says peanutbutter and jelly samwiches like a peanutbutter, jelly and banana samwich does...

You only have one mom.

most people do have only 1 mom.....but some have "multiple" moms as well..>!!

Of course!

And last Sunday I made her feel like she is the only one on the planet.

so did i.....i had her cook up some fresh home made ravioli's..>!!!!