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No, I don't see minimum wage is suppose to be a living wage.

Raising minimum wage will only cost the cost of goods to go up, and cost jobs.
If the cost of goods up, then you and I lose buying power, effectively giving us yet another paycut.
Raise minimum wage to $15(basically doubling it), will only double the cost if goods. For example Milk will go from $3.20 to $6.40.
The McDonald's menu will double in price, the $0.99 menu will go bye bye. So everything doubles in price, what is gained? Are you and I who worked hard to get a high wage job going to get a raise too? Doubtful.

Now Yum Yum Inc nor any other business aren't the ones changing our economy from a " industrial economy, to a service economy". Political policy is( Denying the construction of the Keystone Pipeline is a big example ).
Yum Yum Inc and other similar business are only adapting to the market demands.

And why would you make such a statement as this...."Of course....if you consider those people to be some sort of low-class, semi-intelligent, human slugs"?
Did I say, or even imply such a thing? No, all I said was the strike was silly.
I don't think those making minimum wage are low class slugs. If they want to make more, get educated in something, get trained in some new skills. And most on minimum wage are very capable of that. Its those who support this silly strike who are the ones that actually think these people on minimum wage are low class slugs, because you don't believe they are capable of making more on their own without a government bailout. And doubling the minimum wage is a form of bailout.

You bring up the billions in profits, but do you forget each McDonald's for example is actually a small business? Go ask each Franchise owner what their profit margins are. Go ask them what the effect on their business would be if the minimum wage were to be doubled.

And finally you ended your post with the two words ( Free Country ). Well Canary in a free country, government doesn't tell business how much they must pay anyone.

The minimum wage needs to abolished, not doubled.

Of course that's all opinion, Stoney. That's all the business' man's argument for not raising/abolishing the minimum wage....now let's hear the working person's. Any raise in the minimum wage will be passed on to the consumer, as you say. Doesn't cost the business nothing....we pay for it. Since when do businesses have our welfare at heart? If the working man wholly subsidizes the raise in the minimum wage, then the working man will buy less......That's the part businesses dislike. If the business has to put part of their profits back into the business to keep prices down, to insure more customers.....and maybe only make 2 billion in profits, instead of , say, 5.5 billion....well, then I would say they are making a good investment in their business AND the community. Would people work harder and smarter if wages were higher? If the sense of desperation that your time is wasted on a dead-end job, goes away and you feel that you're finally getting somewhere,....wouldn't you be making your community better? Are businesses allowed to ignore the calamity they've wreaked on the population of this country....mostly caused by their actions....because ignoring the responsibility for the community they are trying to make a profit in allows them to squeeze a tight labor market unmercifully....a tight market they've created..............can't lay the blame on a bad economy at the feet of the working people.......in order to make an obscene amount of money, while looking the other way as our infrastructure crumbles. Not their problem.....even though they created it. And,...no,...you can't lay the blame on government. That's a popular trick Big Business is pulling nowadays. Just like the Wizard of Oz, you're not supposed to look at the man behind the curtain.....in this case, the one with piles of moneybags. Businesses buy and influence legislation to what extent, Stoney? The only thing this government can do is to take the blame for every social and economic injustice....no matter who caused it,...or paid for it. Businesses are able to duck the blame their influence and money-sloshing have caused.....................A franchisee for McDonalds must have at least a million dollars in liquid assets before he is even considered for a franchise..........and you want me to feel sorry for these "small" businessmen?.....The industrial economy is overseas,...where there is no EPA, no child labor laws......no minimum wage.......this is where big business wants to be.........of course there's no workplace injustice there, companies are a benevolent, benign , barely seen entity......"******* nets" on factories are merely a myth.... and in this country, we are left with only a service economy by default. In case you haven't noticed..."getting educated" or "getting training" costs money.........How about we have their employer "bail them out" this time, instead of yours and mine tax dollars......those very tax dollars that businesses struggle so hard NOT to pay? Unfettered Capitalism grinds people into dust. Government is supposed to be a foil to rapacious businesses. You can vote out a corrupt Senator or Congressman...........Can't do that with the corrupt CEO whose money is buying the influence to change legislation.
Did anyone attend the ABF 710 freight meeting?

Sorry, Brother, we're back on politics....something no civilized person should discuss......I had heard there was a YouTube video of someones' cell phone capturing the virtual removal of Mr. Sweeton and....I think , Mr. Slagle......Anyone know if that's out there?
Of course that's all opinion, Stoney. That's all the business' man's argument for not raising/abolishing the minimum wage....now let's hear the working person's. Any raise in the minimum wage will be passed on to the consumer, as you say. Doesn't cost the business nothing....we pay for it. Since when do businesses have our welfare at heart? If the working man wholly subsidizes the raise in the minimum wage, then the working man will buy less......That's the part businesses dislike. If the business has to put part of their profits back into the business to keep prices down, to insure more customers.....and maybe only make 2 billion in profits, instead of , say, 5.5 billion....well, then I would say they are making a good investment in their business AND the community. Would people work harder and smarter if wages were higher? If the sense of desperation that your time is wasted on a dead-end job, goes away and you feel that you're finally getting somewhere,....wouldn't you be making your community better? Are businesses allowed to ignore the calamity they've wreaked on the population of this country....mostly caused by their actions....because ignoring the responsibility for the community they are trying to make a profit in allows them to squeeze a tight labor market unmercifully....a tight market they've created..............can't lay the blame on a bad economy at the feet of the working people.......in order to make an obscene amount of money, while looking the other way as our infrastructure crumbles. Not their problem.....even though they created it. And,...no,...you can't lay the blame on government. That's a popular trick Big Business is pulling nowadays. Just like the Wizard of Oz, you're not supposed to look at the man behind the curtain.....in this case, the one with piles of moneybags. Businesses buy and influence legislation to what extent, Stoney? The only thing this government can do is to take the blame for every social and economic injustice....no matter who caused it,...or paid for it. Businesses are able to duck the blame their influence and money-sloshing have caused.....................A franchisee for McDonalds must have at least a million dollars in liquid assets before he is even considered for a franchise..........and you want me to feel sorry for these "small" businessmen?.....The industrial economy is overseas,...where there is no EPA, no child labor laws......no minimum wage.......this is where big business wants to be.........of course there's no workplace injustice there, companies are a benevolent, benign , barely seen entity......"******* nets" on factories are merely a myth.... and in this country, we are left with only a service economy by default. In case you haven't noticed..."getting educated" or "getting training" costs money.........How about we have their employer "bail them out" this time, instead of yours and mine tax dollars......those very tax dollars that businesses struggle so hard NOT to pay? Unfettered Capitalism grinds people into dust. Government is supposed to be a foil to rapacious businesses. You can vote out a corrupt Senator or Congressman...........Can't do that with the corrupt CEO whose money is buying the influence to change legislation.

You are such an emotional Marxist crybaby using nothing but strawman hyperbole making you such victim.

Obscene profits? What's obscene? How much is too much? You say 5 billion is too much but 2.5 billion is ok? Why? What if they made 2.5 billion and still paid the same wages? Then would 2.5 billion be to much?
And like any good Marxist, you focus soley on gross profits, not net profits or profit margins.
Actually even 2.5 billion is too much for you, because you wanna take from that Franchise owner with million in liquid assets. So a million is to much now.

Political policy didn't create this mess? Were you saying that when Reagan or W Bush was President?

Business is responsible for our struggling economy? I didn't know business can pass laws? If business has so much power as you implied, then why do they allow us to have highest corporate tax rate in the world? Why do they allow corrupt agencies like the EPA to exsist?

If business is so greedy and powerful, then why do you believe they won't pass the increase cost doubling the minimum wage on to the consumer? Why would a greedy business only concerned about profit eat the increased cost?

Crumbling infrastructure? More hyperbole. Our infrastructure isn't crumbling. Our roads and bridges constantly need maintaince. Funny thing, I remember road construction before this ****ty economy.
Nothing wrong with spending our tax dollars going to infrastructure, but it shouldn't be a jobs program. It should only happen because our roads and bridges need the work.
How business ignored that as you implied is beyond me. How did they ignore infrastructure? In fact, why is it their responsibility?

And yes I can lay much if the blame on the working man. The working man votes to put in politicians that pass laws and regulations that absolutely kills our economy.
Like the idiot working men and women in Detroit. For decades they kept putting idiot, job killing politicians ( mostly Dems ) in office that lead to Detroit's bankruptcy.

Education on training cost money? Well many evil, greedy corporations offer in house training, school scholarships.
And if they don't, then work two minimum wage jobs, live cheap, save your money and pay for your own education or training. I did! I lived in a 18ft travel trailer that I bought for $1000. Worked in the day time delivering auto part supplies making $9 an hour and went to trucking school at night.

Unfettered capitalism? Since when have we had that? Not in my lifetime that's for sure.