ABF | ABF benefits Part-Time/Casuals?

Do Part-Timer/Casuals get health insurance at ABF? or any type of benefits?
Not sure about other regions, but here in the Southern Region, casuals have their pension paid for by the company. The current rate of contribution is $68.40 per day worked. Takes 180-days worked in a calendar year to get a full years credit and 5-full year credits to be vested.
So if you are working an average of 15 days a month or more (January-December), you will get in the 180-days required for a full years credit. I think you still get a half years vesting credit for anything over 90-days in a calendar year, but I would have to check with our Local to confirm this.
Here in the Southern Region, they do not pay Health&Welfare on part-time.
Only full-time.