ABF | ABF crash 6-6-09 southbound on 57 highway


TB Lurker
I drove past the wreck about 730 pm on 57 at 77 yardstick southbound and they were working it. Tractor and lead box laid down on 57 back box down in the ditch. I called Centeral they the said driver was in hospital for observation but seamed ok.
Has anybody heard about the wreck in Atlanta , I understand the driver is still in the hospital. This happened sometime last week. Any updates?
Accident happened around 3:30 am 06/05/09, almost in front of the 088 terminal. It took about an hour to cut the driver out of the cab. As of around 1330 hours driver was in hospital with family. He was not looking too good from what I got from my TM at 088. I wil find out more on Monday when I return to work.
Found out that the driver involved on I85 is doing a little better. Trying to stabilize him better so they can transfer him to a critical care unit in Atlanta. Let you Know more when I find out.