TForce | ? about Seniority

Desert Eagle

TB Lurker
(Names are fictitious)

Let's say Bob started prior to acquisition by UPS as a dock with no CDL (3 DUII in 1 year did not help). Joe starts 2 years ago under UPS as P&D. Oct. last year we become unionized. Joe gets de-classified to Dock/CDL 4 mos. ago. Bob then gets told he will be working night shift and threatens to quit. This happened twice and TM allows him to stay on morning shift. First set of bids for City drivers comes out today, TM says there will not be any board for dock.

Question here is this -

Joe wants to go to mornings. does he have classification seniority as Dock/CDL to bump Bob - (still no license).

Bob is senior man!

This slot is a dock only position...

If the company needs to change this start to a combination: dock / driver position...

Then this slot would have to be abolished and reposted!

And, since Bob is a red circled - dock only employee...

They would have to create another slot for him to bid into - that doesn't require driving.
If the bid says dock and no PD specified, then the qualified senior man gets the bid. All local cartage can bid on that spot.
File a grievance. If you have enough dock work to justify a dock bid. State that the company is using subterfuge to avoid the guarantee.
Nik is correct. Bob, as a red-circled employee, cannot be laid off because he doesn't have a CDL and he cannot be bumped to another shift by someone who does have a CDL but with lesser local cartage seniority. However, when Bob quits, retires or is fired, and is not put back to work after the greivance proceedings, no-one willwill be hired to replace Bob who does not have a CDL. But Bob gets to stay in his seniority spot just like anyone else.
i have a question.
i was under the impression that jockeys, and lead men were no longer concidered jockeys or lead men?but all dock was dock. at our terminal they have reverted back to having a classification of spotter. for the next bid they are looking for two more spotters. <they have not been clarified as to whether being full-time or casual>
thier are several people intersted, most who are, have more company time then 2 of the current spotters.
my question is, would they be reclassified even though there isn't supposed to be a classification of &quot;spotter&quot; under the contract.
also if they did reinstate this classification would those employees with more company time go to the bottom of the classification &quot;spotter&quot; board? or would they bump those spotters with less comapny time?

wouldn't one board, done by full-time senority date, FOR ALL PURPOSES, be helpfull to solve some of these problems?
i have a question.
i was under the impression that jockeys, and lead men were no longer concidered jockeys or lead men?but all dock was dock. at our terminal they have reverted back to having a classification of spotter. for the next bid they are looking for two more spotters. <they have not been clarified as to whether being full-time or casual>
thier are several people intersted, most who are, have more company time then 2 of the current spotters.
my question is, would they be reclassified even though there isn't supposed to be a classification of &quot;spotter&quot; under the contract.
also if they did reinstate this classification would those employees with more company time go to the bottom of the classification &quot;spotter&quot; board? or would they bump those spotters with less comapny time?

wouldn't one board, done by full-time senority date, FOR ALL PURPOSES, be helpfull to solve some of these problems?

Yes one line seniority would solve the problem.

If your barn currently has Road, City and Jocky &quot;spotter&quot; 3lists then yes anyone bidding into that spotter bid will go to the botttom.

If you have 2 lists road and city then only someone from the road bidding that job would go to the bottom.

The reason being city, dock and jockey are all coverd under the local cartage senoirity list.