Yellow | abuse of company time

We had a similar situation. Had an account that yellow had serviced for many years, 2-3 trailers a day, very profitable business. Roadway TM couldnt stand it because it was about an hr away and the freight was time consuming to break, but not real bad, you could break it in hour and a half. Started having utility guys pick it up and drag them to a break bulk. TM got credit for the bill count and didnt have to break the freight. When they shut down utility, he would not pick up the freight and bring it back to our terminal under any circumstance. Yrc didnt want to lose the account because it was a multi million $ account, so they decided to have linehaul pick it up, and of course those guys couldnt find it, and didnt want to work with the customer spotting mts in their dock, so of course welost the business. Yellow handled this business as their primary carrier for at least 15 yrs no big deal. Unbelievable!!!
It's all roadways fault!!!!
Yeah like I said, Holland is a quality carrier. Seems like mgmt at Yrc could learn a little something from them on how to run a successful, thriving, growing freight company. If only there was some way Holland's mgmt could show ours the rope. Of course we all know that will never happen.
I would replace is with was! The reputation is slowly diminishing.
We first have to show we can move any freight in a profitable manner‼️
We destroy long ctns like base board heaters because people insist on trying to slide the forks under them instead of getting their rear off the lift. The cookie dough looks like a mess after the intelligent people try and double stack on top of it and crush the ctns because the skid was not level to begin with and the wrap is usually white or black, so they again do not look or care.
can't be profitable moving freight when customers are calling and they're not answering the phone cause they're too busy following us. With due respect if you bring that attention to yourself then so be it......Our old TM would go out when it was slow as a sales rep to drum up business... Loads of opportunity here if they go after it..... then again they do need to boost morale for those of us still here....
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