Yellow | Alvan brings business

wild deuce

TB Veteran
Heard from a Nashville driver that a salesman who recently lost his job at a northern trucking company (that has recently closed) and was doing business with a growing auto parts customer got work with Yellow and has brought the growing business with him to YELLOW.
Don't get too excited about automotive business. It can be here today and gone just as fast. My experience with automotive freight when I worked out of Detroit several years ago is that it doesn't pay very well and big layoffs when you loose it.
Very True Grandpa. Auto freight never pay on time and they always settle for less then they owe. Very tough to rely on.
Forget why they went out of business! Let's get them hired at Yellow, Roadway, and Holland so they can continue on with their pensions! There arent' many union carriers left where they can continue with their pensions!