Anderson Cooper tries schizophrenia simulator


TB Legend
Super Moderator
Wow....this was weird.

The alleged gunman in the Seattle Pacific University shooting last week heard the voice of one of the Columbine killers inside his head, according to court records. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hear voices in your head? CNN's Anderson Cooper used a simulator to experience what it's like to have schizophrenia.

Some of the voices you hear in this video may be unsettling.
I hear voices all the time coming right out of my Garmin GPS.

whenever i'd be listening to the baseball game, and a player got a great catch, or a hit, my dang Rand would start talking....

it's like "it knew".....
whenever i'd be listening to the baseball game, and a player got a great catch, or a hit, my dang Rand would start talking....

it's like "it knew".....

I wanna program mine to do an Elvis ghost and say "Boo y'all"

Oh my...a wiley sanders truck as old as mine is pulling in. I wonder if his KW turns to the right better than mine?