Are autonomous trucks a threat to jobs

The Only "threat" will be when Autonomous Trucks have a greater range before needing recharge, like 500-600 miles or a decent driving day AND a Charging Station.
The infrastructure is not anywhere near implementation.
Drivers will be needed as backup in Electric Trucks plus those trucks will not be able to drop-n-hook or plugin.
You'll KNOW way before the problems.
I could have so much fun with this topic.

We rented a SantaFe 2020 nothing specific for THAT vehicle. Its just a SUB for the Cristobel Rains last year. (Minimal hurricane conditions) Here I am at the light. Engine goes off. WTF. When I hit the gas she on again. BS.

Eco mode. We did that 40 years ago with DM Bowman shutting off at every stupid traffic light for a few minutes on those old wonderful airstarts. Just not in ice storms regionally.

That darn SantaFe demanded babysitting, Nanny service and handholding at times. I cannot stand radar. A shadow metting a bit of criteria at 75 mph loaded would create so many problemns if it executed several decision makings. There is the lane keeping. JITTER JITTER BEEP BEEP.Touch me, love me hold me please.Watch that old bad paint, unsafe.

And that poor power steering pump? SCRREEEEECH. Three different things its being made to do and then dealing with me the Human Driver in which iw as programmed to neglect while taking care of he priority incoming codes immediately due to the sun in the strees.

By the time I get my ass up out of the floorpan of the vehicle and see that she is driving ok Im surrounded by cars. Because I am on auto cruise with radar Two things happened. One wanted to change lanes. The car I was in decided to move a certain way. Unfortunately I wa snot expecting it on wet pavement and we slid a bit. at 70 mph that slide might have been osomething else if it tripped on something.

The other thing is cut the speed pretty drastically. Now a corner is low and I feel a tire getting readyt o break loose.

I am going to hold on to my pile of rusted out.