Central Transport | Are we better off than we use to be?


Wear their scorn with pride.
We all have heard that before. And the answer is yes for me. But for many others the answer is no. And why is the answer no for so many? Is it the self-absorbed politician? Is it the political governmental policies? It seems that everyone wants to politicize everything. At this point I just hope social security is still there when it's time for me to retire. Because over the cliff we go.
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We will see today about the fiscal cliff. Biden will pitch it to them this morning, then we shall see. Personally, I want it to happen, it will hurt me and you, but more importantly it will get the american public mad at their representatives and flood them with emails and phone calls telling them to stop trying to one up each other and just get down to business, or we will vote you out. No one wants to work for the better good anymore, it is Rep wants this, Dems want that, and everyone wants to win it all or they will shut the country down just to spite the other, and then twist the media into reporting it wasn't their fault. We really need a 3rd party out there to shake things up.