

TB Veteran
So off to a great start for this vacation. Yesterday was great today I decided that I had a bunch of adult things that I was going to take care of and with that I got a bunch of adult results allow me to explain.

So I have a 2005 Suburban that I'm actually trying to sell it's a good truck has had a bunch of new parts, and runs good, but I do not need it any more, it has an aftermarket Sony Radio System in it and about 6 months in the radio started not working power started cutting in and out to it. Then a couple months after the radio started not working I let my friend barrow the truck and he got mad at a totally unrelated issue and decided the best way to vent his frustration was to throw his phone at my after market radio and it shattered the screen horray for me. So that had to be replaced cost me $300.00 he doesn't have any money so that's that for that anyhow that was sometime ago water over the bridge at this point what's not coming isn't coming.

Anyhow the new face plate they installed and new wiring harness and that doesn't work right either and I just really don't care anymore, so I just let it go for the longest time. Well I took it up today to the people who installed it and asked them to replace the faceplate, because it's defective naturally they gave me the old "We've never had a problem with those units before, so clearly the problem is you not us." Run around so that's adult result number 1. However they did say they would take another look at it, because it's under warranty and they have to honor there warranty, but they know they won't do anything so I'll figure however it is, is what it is (I hate that saying) and I'll drop the price a little because of that when a buyer comes along.

Then I went to take my pick up truck to get an oil change (shouldn't have done that either) and they were all to happy to point out my rare oil seal was leaking this I knew. Of course what ever so they said they were going to want to get that fixed and problem is differed maintenance on that stuff just leads it to rearing it's ugly head later on down the line. So that's $1,100 I had no intention on spending on that I wanted to deffer it, but oh well it has to be fixed. So of course now that screws tomorrow kind of because that trucks going to be at the shop all day so that's adult result #2.

Oh well...
Alright I'm going to go free my car here soon, it's been a solid day they should be getting close now, that is unless they broke something working on it and have to fix that too.