Asheboro, NC - Tractor Trailer, Driver Dragged 214 Feet By Train

This driver was very blessed in one respect that he wasn't killed.
However he may have lots of difficulty trying to hire on with another trucking company,with this crash on his record.
Blakely has been cited for trying to cross the tracks while the lights were flashing.

Most likely didn't see the flashing lights either.

The rule of Intersections: Look left, right, THEN left and right AGAIN!!

j.b. hunt wouldn't touch him with such a wreck nor ANY other trucking company for at least 3-5 years.
well he is indeed lucky to be alive, albeit now unemployed.....

crossing a railroad track, and getting a ticket for disobeying the lights, and the wreck...HHMmmmmmmm...

i don't see him driving trucks any time too soon.....if at all.