Best/Worst Sysco Warehouse


TB Lurker
How are the Sysco warehouses that you work for? Do they route good? On average, how many stops/cases do you have in a day? How many miles do you drive? I'm just trying to compare.
My warehouse, Sysco OK, we have an excellent router, however his system hampers him, he however knows what he is doing, one of the best routers I have ever had, and a great guy.

I average 900 cases a day since I been back on delivery, give or take a few, I run an area with alot of stops, 18 give or take, some days its like 115 miles, others its 70 miles.

When my router moves on and up, and eventially he will, I am gonna be upset, thats how much I think of the guy.
i have 3 routers my route about 125 miles aday 10-15 stops 800-900 cases on a 28 footer. do not think much of any of the routers.
I think the routers here (048) do a good job. 4 day a week drivers have longer routes than 5 day guys and when they are given feedback about a route things change unless it is out of there control. We have a 3 routers 1 of which has only been there 6 months but he seems to be learning fast and is very friendly.
Yeah at 048 our routers are given a top 10 most of the time for each route. So the first 10 stops are dictated by sales then the routers can take over and finish routing the truck. Sometimes sales has a top 15 or 16 on a route and routing really has no control over those routes.
Yeah at 048 our routers are given a top 10 most of the time for each route. So the first 10 stops are dictated by sales then the routers can take over and finish routing the truck. Sometimes sales has a top 15 or 16 on a route and routing really has no control over those routes.

Sales can really screw that up too, especially when the customer doesn't get there till 0830 and they are stop 2 on a 0500 start, seems they never have enough information about their own customers, yet they want what they want, then wonder why the route falls behind. I'm thankful I'm on shuttle now, all that BS used to drive me crazy, I would tell the router that I was there 2 hrs early and he would tell me he couldn't help me, so then I had to take the time to talk to the rep, then 3 or more may have to get involved, a month later it would get sorted out, then a customer would jump ship, or an MA would jump ship, then all hell would break loose and we would start over from scratch.

You must have a ton of business at 048, at 026 we have 1 router for the entire state...LOL!!!
Yeah we have 2 routers and a routing supervisor that is training one of the routers and covers for vacations. We do have a good bit of business but we are one of 2 Sysco houses here in NC. 048 is in Charlotte and then we have a sister house that was rolled out of our years ago in Selma but we do most of the business. Hell we do stretch routes to the bottom of SC and the edge of TN. The main reason we have 2 dedicated routers is that they can't start routing until 5:42pm and have to have work to the warehouse by 6:10pm.
The one router you speak of is not learning he is just a pawn. Friendly yes learning no. Me and you work at same house.
Yeah I know we work at the same house. I saw where you posted about our former outbound freight manager who is now VP of riverside. I think the new guy is doing a good job he seems to be getting better at routing. You said you pull a pup you work out of a shuttle yard?
I saw where you posted that you were pulling a pup that is why I assumed you ran out of a shuttle yard. I didn't think we ran any pups out of the main facility. Guess it is just me but I think the routers we have now do a pretty good job compared to what we have had before. I know for awhile we had the guy out of the warehouse and he was horrible. But the guys in there now seem to want to make things better but there hands are tied on a lot of things.