Holland | Birthday Gifts Done


TB Lurker
Memo posted today states that the company no longer will be giving birthday gifts to employees. Saving the company $80,000/yr. No big deal but I wonder which exec will get the bonus?
Memo posted today states that the company no longer will be giving birthday gifts to employees. Saving the company $80,000/yr. No big deal but I wonder which exec will get the bonus?

MrFreight, check out the "Holland Family Week Is Over " thread, the birthday gifts and other things are being discussed there already, if you want more info and opinions about the subject. Thanks for the info.
MrFreight, check out the "Holland Family Week Is Over " thread, the birthday gifts and other things are being discussed there already, if you want more info and opinions about the subject. Thanks for the info.

Christmas hams will be replaced with one single meat white castle slider no cheese no ketchup no mustard accompanied by one single Tums tablet placed on your pillow at the motel you stay while being hung out over the holidays.:hysterical: