Yellow | Block Volume Update for YRC Worldwide


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NEW YORK (Market Intellisearch) -- In effort to determine if stock trades will be profitable, investors often assess block trades data used by both large and small institutions. By the end of yesterday's trading session, financial institutions exchanged 31 block trades. A summary of yesterday's block trading activity can be viewed below:

Block Bought Value ($): $656,099
Block Sold Value ($): $1,314,619
Bought/Sold Ratio: 0.48
Net Cash Flow ($): -$,658,520

Once a company has purchased a block of securities, it can hang onto them or sell them again in the hopes of turning a profit on the block trade. Some stock analysts use the buying and selling activities of major investors to measure market health and stock value. If an institutional investor orders a block trade, other smaller investors may follow suit in an attempt to ride the wave of interest...............

Block Volume Update for YRC Worldwide (YRCWD)