Yellow | Carlisle Rumors


TB Lurker
Hey to any guys from Carlisle, Can anyone confirm a rumor that is was supposed to have come from your T.M.

PLease PM me so I can ask without posting an unconfirmed rumor on the Boards.
I am a Steward at 120 an a rumor is sprading like wildfire here.
SO I would like to find out if it was true.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
a guy told me this is just a rumor ....but he say's there is a rumor going around.
any truth to this?
it is better to remain silent & thought a fool, than to speak up & remove all doubt.
I heard this from a very reliable source from someone who knows someone from the inside that is very reliable,what you heard is true.
Bruce Willis and Demi Moore's daughter Rumor is visiting Carisle! Cool! What day?