Checkin' up on APOSTOLIC, He hasn't posted in a while

st. j vet

TB Lurker
Wondering on how he's been. He said he had pneumonia a while back, was recuperating and was back. Started posting like crazy in the accident forums again but has since gone awol again. Last post was May 14th, but saw he checked in to the boards last Monday. Anybody heard anything?

Hope you're doing okay?
I was wondering about his condition as well, haven't heard from him and it is not like him. Wishing him well and hope he is busy farming.
Wonder if Jeff or SMOKESTACK have any info??
WE can P.M. both eh.
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Just sent a "start a conversation" to Jeff and SMOKESTACK regarding Apostolic and condition of.
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I've been in & out of the hospital 5 times since April 4th,I've been out now for 4 days so far so good.
I hope I never have to go to another hospital the rest of my life.

As I get stronger I'll be able to get on the computer more,but so far I have been taking it slow.
In fact I have to get off now to get some sleep,I'll be back soon as I can.
Thanks for thinking of me you trucking board folks are the best.