R&L | Coffee Drinkers


TB Lurker
Just wondering what brand name coffee you guys drink.

I've recently switched form tea with milk in the thermos, to coffee bkack to keep me awake in the morning(3-6am).

I've been making Maxwell House - french roast. i was hoping you could tell me if their is a better tasting coffie out there.

Folgers,aroma roast,for me....Stopped in a Pilot,just south of ATL off I-20 last week and they had frozen coffee in a machine.Mocha and French Vanilla flavor.....GOOOOOOD STUFF.
I like GEVALIA this is only available by phone order. But I like Maxwell house and Dunkin Donuts. But for the best try TIM HORTONS double double. The best.
Find yourself a good quality Kona (no less than 10% kona in the blend) and you will never touch anything else again.
I'm not a driver but I do love my coffee!.....LOL

At home I grind my own beans using Starbucks. If I do use grind, I like Folgers dark.

When I was in Canada I fell in lust with Tim Hortons! No such animal to be had in the wilds of Michigan,outside of near the Canadian borders I think.
I checked out "TIM HORTONS double double"
dosnt look like you can get that here in Missouri. Maybe by mailorder? Always looking for good Coffee.
I checked out "TIM HORTONS double double"
dosnt look like you can get that here in Missouri. Maybe by mailorder? Always looking for good Coffee.

I read your post and thought,what a great idea! Online ordering!
So I went to timhortons and found much to my sadness they do not offer online purchases.

So I guess the only way we deprived people can get any Timmys is to get to know a Canadian that is willing to snailmail us a can..........LOL

Folgers w/captain morgan........gets me thur new england.....hahaha
To stay awake (not get mellow,LOL) I drink Folgers most of the time . I think it's pretty good for Regular inxepensive coffee. I bought some at Wal-mart recently (w-M brand) premium & it was pretty good too. I thought it tasted exactly like the Folgers. It's like 5 bucks for a BIG can too !
Nothing like fresh ground french roast in a french press for my coffee. even have a french press travel mug. Cant get it any better than that. Hate those **** urns in truck stops full of coffee.
But i hear on a news talk show about coffee and u guys think about this, that the best coffee was some place when u were on vacation. (mine was in kona hawaii). The reason why? You were relaxed and had the time to enjoy your cup of joe
Just wondering what brand name coffee you guys drink.

I've recently switched form tea with milk in the thermos, to coffee bkack to keep me awake in the morning(3-6am).

I've been making Maxwell House - french roast. i was hoping you could tell me if their is a better tasting coffie out there.


I prefer Maxwell House 100% Columbian when at Home, and McDonald's when on the road.
McD's isn't necessarily the best coffee, but it is consistent.
Truck stop and convenience store coffee taste different all the time.
I often joke with the employees at Pilot about their "best coffee" billboards. That is far from the truth.
I found in Publix my coffee.
It's EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFE Arabica or French roast.
By the way: taking a 1/2 hour nap is still the best cure for fatigue.
No foam on the top of my coffee !

McDonald's new coffee has been tasting pretty good to me lately .
At home we buy some high end coffees and make our own special blend , it rocks !