FedEx Freight | Dear Central

They have caller ID. It's a you thing. They just don't like you. Deal with it.
your right they don't like me, because I call um on there bull (when I can get thru to them) . We switch at the meet, rockies for triples or vise versa and the morning dispatch in central is suppose to manually put our equip in the hand held after we cut from our domicile and before they go home for the day, because our all knowing hand helds cant recognize swapping two trailers for three. They never do it, so after months of sitting on hold for 10-20 minutes at a stretch and the afternoon dispatch making excuses for the morning one and still not getting the info and having to call back again and sit on hold , I just do my switch and go and they either catch it up in route or the red shirt at the terminal can fix it when I get back.So that's how I deal with it!
You know when it was AF they gave drivers the benefit of doubt as they say to go around wrecks or slow downs so the freight would get there on time. Now you better call and waste that time, but where do you pull off to call central to ask this stupid question of someone who has never driven your route or in most cases has never driven a truck.
Me thinks ST hit it right on the head--but then again, that new thing with the rotary thingy on the desk they got in hooterville, nobody really knows what to do with it, specially when it starts making sounds so, they just figured its a fire alarm and gets outta the build'n
You know I used to worry and make sure that I called in for a reroute. Finally I just said to hell with it and when I come upon a situation that I deem necessary to go around, I just do it. I'm not wasting my time on hold for some douche bag that sits at a computer screen, and has no idea of what is happening out here on the road. I dont claim any additional mileage or compensation, i just want to get where I need to be and end my day. Enough said!
Me thinks ST hit it right on the head--but then again, that new thing with the rotary thingy on the desk they got in hooterville, nobody really knows what to do with it, specially when it starts making sounds so, they just figured its a fire alarm and gets outta the build'n

Actually, sounds so much like a "tornado alarm" that everyone in the building scatters like a cockroach....
You know I used to worry and make sure that I called in for a reroute. Finally I just said to hell with it and when I come upon a situation that I deem necessary to go around, I just do it. I'm not wasting my time on hold for some douche bag that sits at a computer screen, and has no idea of what is happening out here on the road. I dont claim any additional mileage or compensation, i just want to get where I need to be and end my day. Enough said!

That's exactly the way I do it, if they want to fire me for it, so be it!!!
Like a good little automaton, RC drives to the tieup and starts his delay. If RC runs out of hours, they come and get him. And, he's still on the clock until he gets home. And if the freight is late, that's ok too, they've got all sorts of codes they can apply.