Yellow | Drive on Together

Excellent post. Had no idea this site existed. I think EVERYONE should take the opportunity to ask tough, pointed questions!
Now they want our input and questions.........Have Mercy @ They have no shame in revealing just what they think of our level of intelligence.....If U did not want to listen to Teamsters solutions before your back were against the wall on the loans U can't get refinanced without our help.....( haha )....why listen now other than for the only reason is to again get the concessions U want then go back to the same old arrogance and mistreatment of workforce ways that you have displayed over the last five years.
I watched the video, even not being an employee of YRC just to keep in the know in the industry. I don't envy you guys one bit in the decisions you have to make. Sounds like you come out a loser either way. Good luck.