XPO | Effective May 6th 2013...

I think we should buy Werner and ad transport drivers con-way uniform shirts, lord knows those poor sob's can't dress themselves.

wait, so you mean basketball shorts, a big dirty tshirt, socks up to your knees and sandals plus a stocking cap on your head isnt proper attire...please tell me imnot wrong nnc

And rightfully so, their length of haul is a true definition of linehaul, not your shuttle..uggh meant 37 mile linehaul run to NAT..lol
I saw one of these on a new 2013 trailer last night in XHG.....by far the best design so far for hanging straps....until it gets yanked off the wall ! :1036316054:

They work good until somebody puts the straps all right next to each other. They are hard to get back out of the holder when they are all packed together. When you see one you will know what I'm talking about.
Yeah, when I get to my first P&D stop, I take the whole tangled pile of straps and throw them to the nose of the trailer. I am not picking them up at every stop, or tripping over them, or having freight snagging on them all day.

Or...you could behave like a human being with a triple-digit IQ and secure them with the giant rubber band or clip them on the last rail so they don't fall on the floor all day.
Or...you could behave like a human being with a triple-digit IQ and secure them with the giant rubber band or clip them on the last rail so they don't fall on the floor all day.

Good idea! I'm going to let our inbound fos know that he could do that instead of just hanging 15-20 of them in the back of my P&D trailer when he can't find anything else productive to do. I usually am too short on time during the day to work this out myself, being busy with 12-18 stops on a 200-300 mile route. 5 or 10 minutes is everything when you're barely making it to customers between lunch times and close times. I know, maybe when I am finally taking my lunch around my 7th or 8th hour, I could go into the trailer and hang them up on my own time! If the original hangers required a rubber band or just using the last rail, why did the company put thousands of them in trailers just to have to replace them. ICP man! Or VPP or whatever they call it this week.
When I go to load a trailer at night the trailer will be almost completely full with not one bill in the box. None of the dock workers at that barn use paper. They haven't all year. If I have a bill I put it in the box. If I pull a shipment with no bill I don't bother printing one. Hell! There's times when I open a trailer and none of my bills even match my freight! Paperless! I cant wait. Oh and as for the D.O.T man, I was just told in our Monday meeting the paperwork will be digital except hazmat and Canadian paperwork. Still gotta carry them.