FedEx Freight | Food For Thought ....

Joe Nuno

Teamster member 848
It's probable that FedEx management will present some "captive audience" meetings in the near future at terminals in the West, because they have sensed that there is a lot of frustration and anger among drivers and dockworkers about their recent "cost-cutting" moves. Cost-cutting that means less security and less money for you. You'll likely hear the usual story that unions have caused trucking companies to fail, that the Teamsters only are interested in you because of the dues and because they need to shore up their failing pension funds. Also, they'll remind you that FedEx has an open door policy and you don't need a third party, like the Teamsters, getting between you and management.Even workers who have been with the company for decades and who haven't expressed an interest in unionization, however, are skeptical of the self-serving nature of these half-truths and outright lies.

It's important to remember that in the United States of America, workers have the right to join together in a union in order to achieve enough power to negotiate as equals with the employer about their wages, benefits, and working conditions. The old saying still is true: "United we bargain, divided we beg." What's the best attitude to take during a captive audience meeting? The best advice has to do with the fact that management is looking for your reaction. They want to know who union supporters are, and who can they count on to support the company. They want to know how strong the sentiment among workers is for change, and they want to know how difficult it will be for them to sow seeds of doubt and fear among workers.In light of this, use your best judgment about how you react.

At this point, the best reaction is probably to listen politely, nod your head, don't ask questions, look bored. Nothing frustrates the union-busters more than not getting a reaction. As more terminals get involved in organizing and we build our organizing campaign, we'll have additional tactics to use. But for now, keep your powder dry, as they used to say in the navy.

The FedEx Teamsters Watch Dogs.