FedEx Freight | Full-Time Dock Workers

No temps on my dock either,and severl have gone into management.They do have an option to purchase insurance also. Looks like Varnco doesnt even work here.
At the smaller spoke terminals we lost all of our full time dock workers. Only the hub terminals seem to have full time dock workers. One of our part timers who have over 20 years in did go through the drivers apprentice program. Now he's back to working the dock and makes one shuttle run to a hub, and he received his benefits again, so it work out great for him. TP
...on our dock we have several drivers working the dock instead of driving...just highly paid dock workers... In the morning it's ram & cram.. Production is up and so are the claims...part timers don't care they don't have to deliver the busted up freight....
It's the drivers that don't give a sh*t at my SC. They rarely tie up tall freight, and CONSTANTLY bury rear early deliveries in the nose. And then I have to fix it.