Yellow | Happy Thanksgivukkah


TB Veteran
With a couple days off spend the time enjoying family and friends time to put the next YRC stick it to em plan on hold and see what comes out of the meeting on the 6th. If you are traveling have a safe trip.

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Chanukah to all.

Just keep in mind what the Turkey said.......................
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here on Truckingboards. And that includes my real friends (who know who they are), all those who are still undecided about considering me a "friend", and of course those "friends" who would rather see me disappear from Truckingboards altogether. :smile: A very Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here on Truckingboards. And that includes my real friends (who know who they are), all those who are still undecided about considering me a "friend", and of course those "friends" who would rather see me disappear from Truckingboards altogether. :smile: A very Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

To all of you who enjoy getting basted along with the turkey, :guiness:

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. No obligation to provide gifts. Just good food, family and a nap!

Happy turkey day to all of us TB turkeys!

AND, btw, do not forget all of the things, for which we are thankful.