Here is how I handled this


TB Veteran
So today, I had a delivery at one of my normal Tuesday stops and I went to roll my stuff into the cooler and as I was rounding the corner and boom! Pepsi had put all of there stuff right in front of the cooler and totally blocked any kind of access to it!

The store manager comes over and goes "This is not good." I'm looking at him like "I'm just dropping this stuff here and it's your problem."

Any how they asked me, if I would help them move the Pepsi out of the way. I reluctantly helped, but really would have been totally justified in saying "No, go get one of your lackeys to do it, or better yet, you do it, this is your store and your poor management led to this." Further more I handle beer not pop I don't know how to stack pop on my wheeler. (Not that I couldn't figure it out, I know the basics, but you get the gist.) Any how I helped them out because I figured well I come here every week and this is only a one time, thing however if this becomes a weekly thing, I will be phoning it into management at my company and they will have be having a talk with these people, but for now it's only a one time thing.

At the same time, by the time I argue with them and try to get out of it, I could have just gotten it over with. I don't know what to say these store owners are from a country that I've run into other people from that country a lot of them own motels and I have a fairly low opinion of this ethnic group as a whole. These people at this store are okay, I don't get to much trouble out of them, but the guy from Pepsi probably was an extra board driver and this people have a thick accent and speak questionable English and he probably couldn't understand them.

You know I better not say anymore because I have an opinion and generalization about this certain ethnicity that isn't politically correct, obviously it's like anything else some people are good and some are bad, in all cultures, but this group as a whole doesn't my get my motor running.
My motto? Do it once and you'll be doing it again just because you did it last time. I'm nice but firm and offer to give them by supervisor's # if they want to ask permission for me to move someone else's stuff
That's a good point, here call my boss and talk to him. One time I had a store that wanted to return a large chunk of their order and I said "That's way to much, I have to phone, that in your going to have to talk to the boss on that one." Boy did they change their tune the minute I threatened to call and make them talk to the boss.