Yellow | Here they come to 123


All men from 120 that I said were going are. Last guy in seniorty was 15yrs. Everone else has 20 plus. Our switcher who is on his way has 34yrs. Can you FEEL IT NOW. The HATE IS ON ITS WAY TO 123.:loser::tongue0002:
Hey stoud120,
From all the anger I sence in you posts, I have come to the conclusion that Roadway is getting the better of you. They are winning the battle you seem to be having with them. You need to give it a rest or all your anger will start to take over your life away from work.
Go to work and do what they tell you to do and leave it at that. It's easy money. Don't let the astards get you down.
I do not let them get me down, I enjoy it now. Their is no such thing as easy money at 120. All they want to see on the dock is asses and elbows and tell us if you do not like it quit. I am not angry, why would you say that. It is just the real life and facts at 120. You should come down on the next change and SEE and FEEL how great it really is at 120.:tongue0002::puke:
I do not let them get me down, I enjoy it now. Their is no such thing as easy money at 120. All they want to see on the dock is asses and elbows and tell us if you do not like it quit. I am not angry, why would you say that. It is just the real life and facts at 120. You should come down on the next change and SEE and FEEL how great it really is at 120.:tongue0002::puke:

Nothing against you Stroud but you make it painfully obvious that the old saying is true..."negativity breeds negativity!" I guess if its so negative at your barn we cant expect much more out of the employees there.
well since the phone bid was today i'll put my 2 cents in cause this affected my life once again so here's the recap of what happened today at my terminal:
-beginning of the phone bid they told dockwokers they need CDL license for all gaining dock positions except for akron (2) and st louis (12)....means knoxville, newburgh, and richmond need the CDL requirement......every dock guy i work with wasn't happy about that news, felt like we took a yellow dildo up the butt and we all signed a grievence that will most likely go in the shredder cause nobody cares about career dock employees that put up to 33 years in for the teamsters union to find out they really aren't considered valuable to the company anymore (i guess we'll see more claims from the 14 dollar an hour the motto goes, you pay for what you get)
-speaking of you pay for what you get i'm sure the utility employees are happy they make a dollar more, i guess that's a good thing if you're new to the area and all that stress from the new location will give you a heart attack most likely, i say if you don't know the area well just slow it down and be safe cause your blood pressure will boil if you keep missing turns and not getting in the right lane at the right time, kinda like how my grandfather worked carlsdat to nyc from a "yellow" transfer and got a heart attack at work and died....but i won't go into details about that anymore cause i'm sure you all got stories of how this company pisses you off to the point where you think you'll have a heart attack but you really don't have one and you much more of this abuse can i take
-this coo gave more power to the guys that have the CDL license cause anybody that doesn't have a CDL license will be laid off eventually, i really believe all employees of yrc will need a cdl in the distant future and the ones that don't will be the 14 hr casuals
-i think i made out ok since i never drove a truck in my life or any vehicle with a clutch and now i need to get a cdl license in 60 days, i guess i better get my address change on my license and insurance soon (glad i know somebody in this state that i can use their address for a while till i get my cdl), then i guess i'll have to pay all these fun fees and get my balls checked out for the millionth time (hope she's a hot nurse haha), then take the computer test without punching the screen, i guess after some random screen punching i'll pass and ask to get driving sessions in the yard, i got this feeling i'm going to burn out a lot of clutches and heard my left knee is going to hurt but oh well at least it's not going to be amputated
-if i pass i'll work till the next transfer in the next year or two
-if i don't pass i'll be be on the bum board or a laid off loser, goodbye 40 hr work week!
so it comes down to this, got to have to be more obedient cause the powers that be want it that way, roadway your way.
well since the phone bid was today i'll put my 2 cents in cause this affected my life once again so here's the recap of what happened today at my terminal:
-beginning of the phone bid they told dockwokers they need CDL license for all gaining dock positions except for akron (2) and st louis (12)....means knoxville, newburgh, and richmond need the CDL requirement......every dock guy i work with wasn't happy about that news, felt like we took a yellow dildo up the butt and we all signed a grievence that will most likely go in the shredder cause nobody cares about career dock employees that put up to 33 years in for the teamsters union to find out they really aren't considered valuable to the company anymore (i guess we'll see more claims from the 14 dollar an hour the motto goes, you pay for what you get)
-speaking of you pay for what you get i'm sure the utility employees are happy they make a dollar more, i guess that's a good thing if you're new to the area and all that stress from the new location will give you a heart attack most likely, i say if you don't know the area well just slow it down and be safe cause your blood pressure will boil if you keep missing turns and not getting in the right lane at the right time, kinda like how my grandfather worked carlsdat to nyc from a "yellow" transfer and got a heart attack at work and died....but i won't go into details about that anymore cause i'm sure you all got stories of how this company pisses you off to the point where you think you'll have a heart attack but you really don't have one and you much more of this abuse can i take
-this coo gave more power to the guys that have the CDL license cause anybody that doesn't have a CDL license will be laid off eventually, i really believe all employees of yrc will need a cdl in the distant future and the ones that don't will be the 14 hr casuals
-i think i made out ok since i never drove a truck in my life or any vehicle with a clutch and now i need to get a cdl license in 60 days, i guess i better get my address change on my license and insurance soon (glad i know somebody in this state that i can use their address for a while till i get my cdl), then i guess i'll have to pay all these fun fees and get my balls checked out for the millionth time (hope she's a hot nurse haha), then take the computer test without punching the screen, i guess after some random screen punching i'll pass and ask to get driving sessions in the yard, i got this feeling i'm going to burn out a lot of clutches and heard my left knee is going to hurt but oh well at least it's not going to be amputated
-if i pass i'll work till the next transfer in the next year or two
-if i don't pass i'll be be on the bum board or a laid off loser, goodbye 40 hr work week!
so it comes down to this, got to have to be more obedient cause the powers that be want it that way, roadway your way.

Damnit driver, tell us how you really feel!:biglaugh:
oh, forgot to mention that one, yes you need a CDL for that also, so total dock gain was really 14 (akron 2 and st louis 12 = 14) greatest coo of all time for the career dock employee
I do not let them get me down, I enjoy it now. Their is no such thing as easy money at 120. All they want to see on the dock is asses and elbows and tell us if you do not like it quit. I am not angry, why would you say that. It is just the real life and facts at 120. You should come down on the next change and SEE and FEEL how great it really is at 120.:tongue0002::puke:
Why would I say your angry? Thats all your posting is anger. As long as your so full of it, then Roadway is winning your personal war.
It sounds like there are a lot of A.H. supervisors at 120. Is this something new for you? You should know by now that they come and they go and your still there. Just do your job and let the idiots hang themselves and collect all the easy money.
mmb1980; -if i pass i'll work till the next transfer in the next year or two -if i don't pass i'll be be on the bum board or a laid off loser said:
mmb you'll have no trouble getting your cdl. Drive the pallet truck and you'll learn how to double-clutch. Soon you'll be driving a truck into 120 and visiting everyone you left. Maybe you'll get to transfer back here one day. Good Luck :1036316054:
seems like i'll be driving that truck someday like some kind of sanford and son for the transfer back to 120, i think after about the next 4 or 5 transfers they might put stroudsburg on the sheet cause they pulled the name out of some hat at some company meeting, kinda sucks that they pulled newburgh out of the hat this time cause it was oh so close to 120, for you 120 guys that want to know what happened to the 120 guys that came here, here's the rundown
-6 stayed, 4 to newburgh (one was from 120, to somewhere in OH, to 231) 2 to st louis
-nice hearing you 120 guys names on the phone bid, makes me think of the good ol days
was told by a retiring 35 year Teamster that these companies aren't going to continue to pay you these good wages and you being just one dimensional. They got the versatlity they wanted and now its here for them to make it happen. This was told to me over 5 years ago.
who ever voted yes to this contract you can thank's to a long 5 years of hell where fu-ked......

Glad to see someone else has realized this fact.

All the scared little mice that voted 'yes"
for this contract are to blame for the next five years.