Yellow | Hold Still?


TB Lurker
The numbers do not add up. Yellow is taking away the teams from the east, reducing drivers at major hubs and saying the UTE will make the difference. They are puttting out ads to hire " just in case." I am betting that the change will happen but not at the pace they anticipate. The reasoning for this is: 1. Freight levels increase at this time of the year. The available freight should increase due to companies closing and owner ops shutting down with fuel costs. 2. Managers are pissed off. They have cut retirement and health benefits. Their internal morale is now in the toilet. They will do AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. 3. They are finding the casual pool not as good as it was believed. In CVE CDO sets he number of drivers that can be called, regardless of the freight available. The number can change daily but always has a bottom dispatch can not call past. What happened to SERVICE? The tonnage will increase. They want to do more with less. We have already been told the letters for delaying freight will increase dramatically and the union will PROTECT THE COMPANY POSITION! I am not giong ANYWHERE. THEY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE NOW!
I guess any thoughts of trying to figure a way to file on the Articles I mentioned in the other thread are pointless if this is now going on.