Holland | How do you rate this company?

I am a driver at new penn but no one seems to blog anything on their site. but how does other drivers see np seeing how I am layed off right now

I'm also a driver for NPME and there are numerous threads in the NP forum discussing life here. by the way, is good to be green :1036316054:
Apply here? Don't do it!! Our future is very limited. YRC only bought us for our next-day operations. They tried to take it over, and it didn't work, because of their work rules. Now, thanks to the new "Teamster/YRCW" , under the table, contract, they will be able to get it done.They are only holding on to Holland long enough to get their new operation running smoothly. Then Holland is history! Anyone who believes differently, is bling and nieve. Most of the "OLD-timers" at Holland, only look at what they, themselves, are doing each day. They don't look at the whole company. They are in there own little world. Our future is very limited. Apply for a stable company, that doesn't have to pay the Teamsters almost $500 a week, per employee, to support there over-paid officers, who don't give a sh!t about their members!
Allocation of funds payable. Article 61 and 62 NMFA

$270.70 per week to the Central States H&W fund.
$51.60 per day to a maximum of $258.00 per week.
On August 1, 2008 this contribution will increase by $1.00 per hour.

This pays your benefit package. There is no "almost $500.00 a week..." paid to support officers, (whether they give a //// or not)!
Get a clue!:chairshot:
:chairshot:Just what we need, more drivers non union. That is the way to make the union strong. I am on lay off right now also, but I am still proud to be a Teamster. We need more members not less to make a difference.
Wideload did you go back with the other 4 that got called back at your house. I knew you were ahead of them. I'm a linehaul driver and not city but work off a single board like Danville or Rock Island have
I called central and ask for my letter of recall. When I receive my letter I will then make up my mind on either to return to work within two weeks with Holland or stay at my new job with ABF as a linehaul driver. Going green looks very good to me. What's your opinion?
Oh, and all those on here talking about loving this job, are most likely all city workers. They seem to be on break more than they work, they call in every Friday and Monday, {and get away with it}. So, of course they love there job. They can't get that anywhere else. They might have to actually work for their money elsewhere. Most of them wouldn't last a month at a non-union company. So ya, they've got it made at Holland. Oh, and they also always get everything they want. Like screwing over the road drivers on the Utility position, because they don't want senior drivers to dovetail in on the city board. They don't care that most of the road board is gonna lose their job. A change of operations is about following the freight. Its chasing road work. But the city guys all self-centered. BROTHERHOOD my ///. Oh, do I sound disgruntled? Ya, just a little bit.I used to love my job at Holland too, but I got screwed by YRC, the Teamsters, and my brothers. Sorry for the accusations, but its all true.
I am a CITY driver. I take exception to every statement that you put in this post. Oh, wait, not every statement. I do agree with the "disgruntled employee" statement. You shouldn't lump all city guys together (or any other work group either, as having the SAME thinking). Your entitled to your opinion, but to lump us ALL together, YOUR WRONG. Do the words CITY DRIVER, put an itch in the back of your throat, that only a 357 barrel can scratch?:hysterical:
I am a CITY driver. I take exception to every statement that you put in this post. Oh, wait, not every statement. I do agree with the "disgruntled employee" statement. You shouldn't lump all city guys together (or any other work group either, as having the SAME thinking). Your entitled to your opinion, but to lump us ALL together, YOUR WRONG. Do the words CITY DRIVER, put an itch in the back of your throat, that only a 357 barrel can scratch?:hysterical:
To everyone, I appologize for my hostility. I didn't mean to offend the 'city drivers'. I was never out there with them to see how they do their jobs. I was mainly talking about some dock workers, and yard men. Every road driver here knows about sitting in drivers rooms at various terminals, and seeing the same faces of dock workers sitting there for 2 hours. Their supervisor tells them they need to get back to work, and they just sit longer. My main frustration comes from the fact that Holland is laying off so many road drivers, because they know the new UE position will take away work from the road. The ONE and ONLY time the road drivers can move to that position with their seniority, and the city employees screw it up. Making USF only offer minumal positions at this time. I know you don't want others to dovetail in on your board, but us road drivers don't like losing our jobs, due to the company, the union, and yes, city drivers.
The ONE and ONLY time the road drivers can move to that position with their seniority, and the city employees screw it up. Making USF only offer minumal positions at this time.


I know you don't want others to dovetail in on your board, but us road drivers don't like losing our jobs, due to the company, the union, and yes, city drivers.

First section:
I don't know what a city guy can do to make them offer more UE positions.

Second section:
I am a city driver and as far as I am concerned anyone losing work is welcome on my board wherever their seniority takes them.
That's the rules we play by.
I don't want to see anyone lose their job.
We have lost enough good men with all these layoffs.
Every time the terminal adds on another Utility job, the linehaul get another chance to switch to the U/E postion, based on their seniority.:1036316054:
First section:
I don't know what a city guy can do to make them offer more UE positions.

Second section:
I am a city driver and as far as I am concerned anyone losing work is welcome on my board wherever their seniority takes them.
That's the rules we play by.
I don't want to see anyone lose their job.
We have lost enough good men with all these layoffs.
There's a real Teamster brother!:1036316054:
City Drivers are lazy?

:nutkick::nutkick::smilie_132:C'mon Renegade give us city dvrs. a break,
I know that when things get tough people will blame everybody for their shortcomings.

I have been a city man for 34 years including
being a combo man for the last seven at Holland, I have always tipped my hat to most
road drivers because that's not something that I wanted to do, too much bad wheather driving. So I think that you should respect the
cty. drv. with out him you would not have any frt.to haul, also us combo guys have to work in that cold *** dock in the winter and hot as hell in the summer while yall are in your A/C & Htd.Eqpt. am not complaining now, because this is the life that I chose just like you chose yours.

Now if you want to dove tail, IT AIN"T GONNA
HAPPEN, you know why? because we ain't gonna let you, the majority of the road drivers voted for that contract with that UE clause without understanding it, most of you listened to your Union Stewards and BA'S tell you yall what a great thing it was, and so did a lot of cty. dvrs.

So quit your crying. If you want to complain
E-Mail Hoffa, Mike Smid or Bill Zollars.

And if you have complains about us combo men you can RAT US out to our supervisors.
Somebody should have asked Mr. Happy, I mean Renegade how much time he had at Holland. I'm sure it's not even close to 9 years. Maybe 1 or 1 1/2.
somebody tell renegade that there are many city drivers laid off company wide and that they to would like to excersise there seniority by signing UE and not to forget that seniority is all that we have.