TForce | (ICE) In Case OF Emergency


TB Legend
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This is old news, however it needs to be brought up since more and more of us have cellphones.
Medical emergency personnel are endorsing this idea.
I think this is the greatest idea ever.

In case of emergency (ICE) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Case Of Emergency Snopes story

What to do:

[list type=decimal]
[*]CHOOSE a responsible person to be your In Case of Emergency (ICE) Contact. Record their contact information.

[*]INFORM your ICE Contact that you have chosen them as your designated contact and provide them with information that may affect your treatment. Remember MAD or “M” “A” “D”.
Medicines –List all current medications you are taking, including herbal and organic supplements because they can and do interact with some medications.
Allergies – List all known allergies, especially to medications, but also to foods.
Doctors – Include the names and phone numbers of doctors or other medical providers responsible for your regular care.

[*]ADD this contact as a new entry, with their phone number, in your mobile phone address book under the heading “ICE”. Example: ICE-William or ICE-Dad.

  • To learn how to enter a new contact into your mobile phone’s address book, please contact your mobile phone manufacturer or mobile service provider.
  • When entering multiple ICE Contacts, put a number directly behind the word “ICE” in each one to prioritize them for the emergency responders. Example: ICE1 – Mom, ICE2 – Mary.
Condensed version:

ICE - In Case of Emergency

What if...
  • You're in a car accident rendered unconscious?
  • You're at the mall or work and became incapacitated?

Put ICE in your cell phone and make it easier for emergency personnel to contact loved ones in case of an emergency to get your medical history (are you allergic to any drugs, do you have a history of heart disease, do you have a Do Not Resuscitate order, etc.).

Make a new entry with the word "ICE" followed by the name of the person you want called in emergency situations (examples: ICE-Dave, ICE-Mom). For more than one contact name use ICE 1-Dave, ICE2-Mom or ICE1, ICE2, etc.). Make sure that person(s) knows your medical history.

Individuals without cell phones should carry an identification care with emergency contacts and medical information in your wallet or purse.
To program ICE into your cell phone:

  • Access the address book feature of your cell phone.
  • Enter the name ICE.
  • Enter the phone number of your husband, wife, parent or whomever needs to know about you in case of an emergency.